Debate Magazine

Celebratory Planet - Motivational Planet - Re-prioritised Planet

Posted on the 15 February 2014 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN

Celebratory Planet - Motivational Planet - Re-prioritised Planet

image copyright Reuters 2014

...watching the Winter Olympics from Sochi RU I realised how, when directed through the right Creativity, Passion and Kinship motivators, "Celebration," is the KEY INGREDIENT to human happiness. I mean look at the faces of the Olympians on the winner's rostrum there, they're celebrating 'achievement' or 'personal success'. Most of the following examples of succecstacy(sic) i.e. joy at winning, are for issues involving personal gain; a step up the career ladder, a financial victory, a war won.
 What if those cheery happy Olympians weren't celebrating for some arbitrary sport they'd won but were celebrating for having saved our planet from PROFIT-based global warfare? Mankind, united like this under one cause, so happy that his/her world is a much better place now that all seven billion sovereign individuals have pulled to gether, pitched in, succeeded where organised society in the name of "Profit, Asset, Conquest," has failed.  Wouldn't that be worthwhile? Empires (and countries (and companies (and careers))) fail all the time - that's a given. When will mankind finally understand the simple truth of this illusory existence? Only the world, this planet of life, this atmosphere-gifted rock traveling through space continues on. Each decade, each century, each millennium. On and on and on... It's time we recognised that MORE JOY can be gained (by Humanity, as a race) if it de-focusses from his own egotistical (confrontational) ambitions and helps make 'his/her homeworld' a better place, together; in joy. Imagine having improved (not just one's job, one's family, one's company or one's country but) one's world - that you contributed to the Re-vatilisation of an entire planet. Let's celebrate our Free Planet. 

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