Books Magazine

Celebrating the WLC - Matt Patterson Talks Uniting a Community

By Stacyeaton @StacySEaton

Celebrating the WLC - Matt Patterson talks Uniting a Community
Guest post from author Matt PattersonMember of the WLC
It was just two months ago when I was invited to participate in a Christian book launch with author and dear friend Karen Baney.
You see, Karen could not stop talking about this gal named Melissa Foster and her website WoMen’s Literary Cafe. The excitement she showed about being connected to this author and group was infectious. I had just put the finishing touches on my book My Emily and was somewhat at a loss as to where to go next. The enthusiasm that Karen was sharing and showing finally brought hope to me that I could now bring the story I put my blood, sweat and tears into to more than just a handful of friends and family.
I thought by just connecting to this group and launch, it was just a snap of the finger and I was going to be selling books and lots of them! Uh, I was wrong. Ok, a little wrong.
First lesson learned was I needed to get my book into an electronic format.I was going to be selling Kindle versions of my book. I also learned that as authors, paperbacks are nice to have and hold, but e-books are the future. Then, I started hearing words like “cross-promote” and “hootsuite”.  
Prior to this WLC launch, I thought I worked hard at trying to find people to follow me and my book on Twitter and facebook. I was going about it all wrong. I was then taught how to truly use social media to promote the launch, my book and the books of my new colleagues.Did I say I worked hard before launch? Not even close!I never knew what it was like to truly use social media and really work hard in spreading the word about my book until this launch.It seemed as though I was constantly sending out tweets, new tweets, as well as looking for posts and tasks on facebook. 
Then it hit me.
Hey, I’m finally marketing my book!
So came the night of our group video conference. I was finally going to meet the myth, the author, the success – Melissa Foster. Besides just a couple very informal back-and-forth tweets or posts, all I had to work on was what Karen shared with me. I looked up her books, bio and any other information I could get.
First, she had something going for her – she was from Maryland – which happens to be my birthplace as well. One by one, we all signed on.Last, but not least, was the gal with all the energy and excitement that one could possess. It was a great discussion. She answered any and all questions – even the stupid ones from me. All with grace and patience.The launch concluded and I have to say I was beat. 
But doggone, it felt good. I felt like I truly accomplished something with my book. I learned more in those few weeks than I could have ever possibly asked for. You could not pay for what was gained in that short period of time. 
Any success I have received with My Emily is directly related to my connection with WLC. Period. If I wasn’t invited to be a part of a WLC launch. I’d still be floundering.
The biggest benefit from my short time associated with WLC? The relationships.
I have been made to feel so very welcomed by everyone associated with WLC. If I need help, they’ve been there – no questions asked. When one succeeds, everyone is there to pass on their congratulations and encouragement. WLC is a community and a family.I consider myself fortunate and blessed to be a part of it.
Celebrating the WLC - Matt Patterson talks Uniting a CommunityAuthor Matt Patterson
Matt ~  It has been a true honor to have someone like you join our family! Your comments, questions and humor are always appreciated!  You have come far my friend and I look forward to sharing the ride with you as you continue. Thank you!   ~ Stacy
To learn more about WoMen’s Literary Café 
(hosting both men and women), please visit: Promotions:


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