Wooden background photo- Created by Graphictwister Freepik.com Leaf photo- winnichip flickrDesign- Stacey McIntyre-Gonzalez
April 21, 2017 marks the five year anniversary of Paws For Reaction! It's hard to believe it's been five years since I started this journey. I began this journey at the same time as I was looking for the perfect dog. I found Keira, and she was one of the best decisions I ever made. She inspired me to write about pets, and has since then inspired me to connect with nature. Her love of nature has made me want to protect it. She is my best friend.Photo and design by Stacey McIntyre-Gonzalez Copyright©
Paws For Reaction has opened so many doors for me, and has lead me to meeting some incredible people. I've also been fortunate to tell the stories of some amazing pets. I hope that my readers have been as inspired reading, as I have writing. In the beginning Paws For Reaction was just about pets and pet nutrition, but now it's about so much more! This year marked the launch of the Green Living section- an archive of content created with nature and the environment in mind. The Green Living section celebrates sustainability, wildlife and the great outdoors, and educates about climate change. I've really enjoyed this transformation, and I hope you all have too. Thank you for coming along with me as I seek eco-friendly solutions for everyday life!
Photo and design by Stacey McIntyre-Gonzalez Copyright©
Two years ago we brought home little Hazel, and the plan was to launch a puppy section on Paws For Reaction. Unfortunately Hazel's health has been complicated, and I didn't have your average puppy owner problems to write about. Instead, I wrote the series Dealing with a Doggy Disability which I'm really proud of. It was a difficult time, but I hope my experiences were able to help someone who may have been in a similar position.Photo and design by Stacey McIntyre-Gonzalez Copyright©
I'm so excited to move forward with the evolution of Paws For Reaction! After the first five years I have to say I'm just as excited as the first day! Thank you for reading and engaging! Cheers to the next five years!
To celebrate 5 years Paws For Reaction launched a new logo design!

Stacey McIntyre-Gonzalez became a certified Climate Reality Leader in 2017

New look on Paws for Reaction!