Entertainment Magazine

CD Review: Stenorette – Yellow

Posted on the 28 February 2015 by Tomatrax @TomatraxAU


Stenorette is the experimental sound project of Ben Worth and Ben Dyson. The music is completely improvised and recorded live to cassette as it is played. The duo have put out of series of six cassette tapes, each named after a color. This is the final release of the series. There are two tracks, or sides if you are listening to the cassette, each going for around 20 minutes.

Side one, titled Phantom Bird Cask, is a slow moving ambient trip. Start out with a frosty rural feel it glacially moves along to take on a quite stripped back industrial feel. There is something of a minimalist feel here with the sounds at time being very faint. The movement and direction of the song is quite subtle, while there are occasional voice and field samples, there is a very literal ambient feel with the elements gliding past rather than actually making a tune.

Side two, titled Cask Bird Phantom, starts off with a more spacey feel. There is very much a feeling of drifting through space with occasional alien noises in the distance. As the song progresses there is a sense of intrigue as to the alien activities that drive the faint distant sounds. As was the case on side one, the music’s development is very subtle and the sounds rather minimalist, this time round it feels like a distant observation rather than traveling through the industrial foreign environments, creating a certain mystique.

This is very much the type of music to sit back and drift off too. It will take you to all manner of interesting places provided you’re not in a rush to get there and are open to the exploration.

Check out Stenorette’s bandcamp page to find out more!

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