Following from their critically acclaimed debut of 2013, New Jersey’s four piece post-punk outfit are back with 7 tracks of intense and gritty bleakness. It seems quite likely that these guys grew up with Unknown Pleasures blazing out of their stereos. There is a heavy Joy Division influence here from the metallic soundscapes to the dead pan Ian Curtis-esq vocals. They have taken these elements and added a good amount of no-wave/shoe gaze atmosphere here to give off a great drifting haze.
The EP opens with the dark yet energetic Revelator. The music races past while at the same time had a deep gritty backdrop, creating quite a mesmerizing experience. Cut a hole follows with an echoing guitar leading you into a dark but spacious cave. The music drones along in a slow burning fashion creating a thick atmosphere similar to the Cure’s early work.
Been in the wars has a brighter shoe gazer outset with a fuzzy indie haze floating over sounding like Oasis crossed with a darker version of My Bloody Valentine. Images sees a return to the extreme bleakness as it slowly craws through the deep dark corners of the dead of night. Killer on the mend brings out the experimental shoe gaze side into all its grim and glory. The hazy sounds create an all encapsulating atmosphere that draws you in and takes you far far away! Remission takes this one step further, stretched to almost 7 minutes it uses all this time to take you off on its slow and experimental journey. The EP closes with the spooky chills of The Idealist.
This is a brilliant EP that captures the best bits of post-punk, and no-wave to create the ultimate melancholic memorizing experience. Each track offers something special in its own right while the all work together to create an epic audio journey!
Check out the New Politician’s website to find out more!