Tom Honey aka Good Weather for an airstrike (GWFAA) has returned with another album full of atmospheric, ambient, dream pop! This albums seems a lot more beats and a lot more tunes than previously found in GWFAA's music. There is still the dreamy ambient sounds here but this time they develop beyond to showcase some beautiful pianos and trippy drum beats. Evolution is a big thing in these tracks as they all slowly change their forms moving back and forth from still ambience to lively new-age sounds, all done in a very subtle and subdued fashion.
The album opens with the 9 minute epic LIO. The track gradually evolves over its duration to take many forms from an amoeba like ambient beginning to then explore various facets and trip-hop, new age, and prog rock. The moving moves and develops at the glacial pace that only Tom Honey knows how to pull off, making the transitions so smooth you don't know where you're going until you've left. Underling this is the deep comforting vibe put out that allows you to drift peacefully along the journey.
'You mean the world to me' is a heartfelt and emotional track, starting out in a soft laid back tone, it gradually builds with some new-age beats and a deep piano brining out a dark and chilling atmosphere.
'Sleep for a minute' brings out the dreamy, nighttime feel that GWFAA has been known for. The track feels like the edge of a dream taking place while also feeling the middle of the night.
'We are here again (although we never left)' brings out an electronic pop sound with some 80s sounding computerised sounds coming out.
'Until next time' as the same might suggest, feels like a kind of closing credits to the album. Sounding like stars twinkling the song works as the perfect lullaby at the end of the journey.
Mr Honey has produced yet another collection of stunning sounds that will take you away on a dreamy journey. This is the sort of album you need to sit down and let the music take over as each track takes you on its own special journey.
Check out Good weather for an airstrike's bandcamp page to find out more!