Joshua Heinric Is back with another single with his band fornever. On offer are three tunes that are dark and atmospheric while also having an energetic poppy vibe to them. The electro-pop sounds are complemented by deep slow vocals reminiscent of Ian Curtis, which add to the chilling vibe.
'Nothing is zero' is a racing electro-pop tune reminiscent of New Order. There is a great dark atmosphere while at the same time the music skips along with great energy giving it an upbeat poppy feel. The two contrasts strangely work quite well and complement each other.
'Go' sees the energy and speed lifting up a notch with an industrial / techno feel working its way into the sound. This is complemented by the deep gravelly vocals that add to the industrial feel.
'Redial' is a curious instrumental that has some slow and dark tunes, and some bright sparks sprinkled about.
This is a great single with a brilliant single and two strong b-sides backing it up. There is a heap of activity crammed into the 8 minutes of minute with no padding to be found.
Check out fornever' website to find out more!