Business Magazine

CBS News Covers The Domain Aftermarket & Puts In The Spotlight

Posted on the 09 July 2013 by Worldwide @thedomains

CBS News just published a story on the domain name aftermarket getting all their information from the story from husband and wife team Brian and Meghan Berke which run

Here are the topics covered in the article which I think are pretty bang on:

Domain owners and/or sellers aren’t always easy to identify, connect with and approach with a purchase inquiry.

Knowing who the actual buyer is (or being able to figure it out) can affect a seller’s interest in doing a deal, and more importantly, may influence the price

Domain valuation is an inexact science.

Negotiating for yourself isn’t always the best idea.

You need to be sure your money is safe until the domain you bought is securely moved to your hosting account.

Congrats to Brian and Meghan.

You can read the whole story here


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