As my PATH train pulled into the Newark area I was getting my life, half filled with trepidation because the Downtown in Newark isn't for the faint hearted! Newark Penn Station came into view, I couldn't begin to describe how I was feeling in that moment as my PATH train stopped at the drop off platform just the same as it had many times before after my trips to NYC. I wasn't working, getting off the train as a visitor with enough time on my hands felt so damn liberating, nothing was going to stop my pursuit because I had grown a lot since my residence in Newark. Not changing one bit, Newark Penn Station still served the same vibe and for that reason I felt as if I had stepped out from a time machine. Starved of my McGriddle breakfast from the McDonalds at Penn Station I found those golden arches for myself to see such a sobering sight. Sat down with my nostalgic breakfast within that McDonalds allowed me to hear those 'off the wall' and 'real' conversations like before!

I got my desired view as I reached the once art deco style Paramount Theatre on Market Street. Back in 2012 I avoided the Downtown because those characters petrified me, but in the same breath I had a burning desire to take a closer look. The former theater had definitely seen its last standing ovation long before that December 2019 moment but I didn't have any rehearsal time, I needed to get that photo no matter how sketchy things were feeling! It was bizarre to see new eateries along that street, the proximity Newark had from New York City meant that a rejuvenated Downtown would bring in new life, I wasn't feeling those new additions one bit! With a strong stance, the scene of 'Brick City' gave me everything that I had wanted because my eight year hiatus had felt like an eternity. Having mad flashbacks I remembered those mornings when I would walk home from the GO28 through Market Street, that piece of memory lane questioned the life experience I acquired.

I was expecting the whole inner core to be retrofitted, in one way I lived to see the same street shop fronts, I instantly remembered passing the bustling intersection from the confides of my NJ 62 bus. My airport commute had me going through Downtown Newark as it was the main artery road towards the McCarter Highway, as I stood in that cold December moment I felt content with that stance as I wasn't going to retrace that 62 bus route closer to the airport. Glancing over towards the same PCS street billboard I saw some of the usual faces. Casting my mind back to those nights and afternoons whilst changing the bus in Downtown I would see all kinds of people, but I didn't hear 'Lucy, lucy, lucy!' That street chant meant cigarettes were being sold on the down and low, such memories brought back from that crazy year! Going further back to 2012, I crossed over to walk along Market Street towards Military Park just like my NJ 62 bus every working day. Ey, the same shops traded!

Military Park and the PSEG building were both places that I would pass every working day on the NJ 62 bus, I wanted to take some time to actually explore the area. In that 2012 moment all I did was star out of the bus window, never did I ever imagine that I would be standing in the heart of that park. That area stood slightly back from the Downtown Core, I sensed a new crowd of 'office types' and other arty people would be changing the face of this side of Newark. Out of nowhere as I looked up into the sky, a Newark Police helicopter circled the skies over the Downtown! I won't lie I was shook, regardless of that choppers reason for flying that Sunday morning it left me feeling a certain way for sure! Keeping that 'My Little Pony' slice of 'Realness' in mind I made my way back towards Newark Penn Station to cross the tracks into the Ironbound section. Feeling accomplished and thankful for the opportunity to return, I felt so proud of myself because Downtown Newark requires nerve!
Who's Lucy? I Don't Know Her!
Joseph Harrison