Hello there big internet world! I don’t know if you remember me… long time no talk! (and it’s killllllllllin’ me)
I’ve been absent for more time then I would’ve liked, buried beneath the vengeance of books, lectures and study…
* note: this is not normal for me, as I tend to procrastinate with a blog post, but haven’t even got round to that…*
ahh the shammmmmee
(although, yet here I sit, procrastinating study the digestive system… so I guess I’m still up to my old tricks!)
To break this blog post drought, I thought I may enlighten you with what’s been up on my Instagram feed as of lately, sounds fun, right?
It may not intrigue you, but hey, that’s how the cookie crumbles, and this is real life for me at the moment.
Many perfuse apologies for lack of posts and a thousand virtual cookies being sent all your ways!
and in the mean time, let’s look forward to future recipes and other lifestyle musings all to come :)
As always, thanks for stopping by!
(and hopefully see you round the bend soon)