Entertainment Magazine

Cat Power Cometh – Adelaide & Lismore Sold out

Posted on the 07 May 2016 by Tomatrax @TomatraxAU

The rescheduled Cat Power tour returns in spades with the Adelaide and Lismore shows well and truly sold out and all others looking to follow suite.

Cat Power a/k/a Chan (pronounced Shaun) Marshall postponed her original February tour due to contracting Hereditary Angioedema (HAE), a rare and potentially fatal blood disease that causes swelling around the throat, oesophagus and internal organs. With that situation under control Chan was determined to fulfil her commitment to tour Australia, and the fans in turn, have shown their appreciation.

"I've been looking forward for so long to return to my home away from home and I wasn't going to let this debilitating illness deprive me or anyone else of that opportunity. I'm so glad to be making it back to Australia" - Chan Marshall

The tour comes as Cat Power is completing her new album (a solo record) with a view to summer release. For this tour Chan will perform some of that new material plus the classics from her now lengthy catalogue: Solo, Intimate and Up Close.

Don't miss Cat Power on tour this May.

Monday 16 May: Sydney City Recital Hall
Tickets A Res $70.00, B Res $60.00 *Fees may apply
Online: City Recital Hall. Phone: (02) 8256 2222

Thursday 19 May: Lismore, Star Court Theatre
Tickets $57.00 + bf - SOLD OUT
Online: Star Court Theatre. Phone: (02) 6622 5005

Friday 20 May: Brisbane Powerhouse
Tickets $69.00 + transaction fee
Online: Brisbane Powerhouse. Phone: 07 3358 8600

Saturday 21 May: Adelaide, Space Theatre
Tickets $61.40 inc bf - SOLD OUT
Online: Adelaide Festival Centre / BASS
Phone: 131 246

Sunday 22 May: Melbourne Recital Centre
Tickets A Res $70.00, B Res $60.00
Online: MRC Phone: (03) 9699 3333

Monday 23 May: Melbourne Recital Centre
Tickets A Res $70.00, B Res $60.00
Online: MRC. Phone: (03) 9699 3333

Wednesday 25 May: Bendigo, Capital Theatre
Tickets $60.00
Online: Capital Theatre Phone: (03) 5434 6100


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