Fashion Magazine

Casual Friday

By Cestlabellevie @cestlabelle_vie
Casual Fridayjeans & sweater: Forever 21, shirt: Target, boots: Charlotte Russe, necklace: Pac SunCasual Friday It's even easier to dress casual when the Washington sky has been pouring rain for a week straight. All I want to do is stay inside and drink coffee all day! Which is basically what I've been doing--I've been at my parents' home the last few days, working on post-graduation tasks but mostly catching up with old friends, hanging out with my lovely siblings (borrowing my sister's clothes...), chatting with my parents and snuggling with my pup. Oh, and eating A LOT. Chocolate pie? Thanks mama. 
The other thing I've been doing is getting ready for the mission trip I am leaving on TONIGHT! I will be at the airport at 3am (ugh) to leave for the Navajo Reservation in Arizona for the week, where we will be rebuilding homes and putting on an after-school program for children. I did this trip last year, and lives were changed. Prayers & good thoughts are appreciated! I'll be back next Saturday, but don't worry, I've got some wonderful guest posts for you all. Au revoir for now! xoxo. 
PS: if you do Casual Friday posts, be sure to link to them in the comments! I'd love the inspiration. 

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