If you’re anything like me – you live for dressing up for a good THEME!
I’m not talking about a “Rose Garden Party” or typical “White Party” on a boat… (although I’d totally love rocking an outfit for either of those themes as well **wink**). What we were thinking was more accessible, everyday cosplay. More like the idea of “cosplay-lite” for a theme party. And since such events are few in Toronto, my partner Matty Duffy and I decided to host some ourselves.
Casual Cosplay at The Comedy Cinema X Comedians … alliteration for the win!
Petite Plus, Meow!

The Cameron House- Toronto.
Our first screening will be the Mel Brook’s classic: Robin Hood Men In Tights!
Introducing THE COMEDY CINEMA x COMEDIANS …Every Wednesday beginning August 31st at 8pm at The Cameron House (408 Queen St. West) we will be screening a funny movie from our personal collection with a local comedian who will base their entire set on the movie!
Tickets are only $8 online. $10 CASH at door.
Themed outfit inspirations and Costumes are strongly encouraged.
Popcorn and candy will be provided. Trivia and Prizes too!
Positive vibes, laughter and good times are certain!
HUMPDAY WEDNESDAYS just got a heck of a lot better, am I right? 🙂

Here’s the movie screening line-up starting August 31st until the end of the year. Hope you can join us for one, some of ALL of these fun themed parties at The Cameron House’s Backroom!

Video promo creation
Social media marketing campaigns
Produce live events and comedy show

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