When you are getting to grips with the business basics , the topic of marketing comes up more often than not. At the very beginning, whatever the product is, it needs to be marketed as best as possible, but you can struggle with the other millions of blogs or websites out there, all vying for attention. Standing out is a critical component of marketing yourself, but are there ways to take advantage of the different approaches, but also make the most of your networking capabilities?
Yes, it is something that most businesses do, but for a very good reason, as it's a great way to build that bridge between you and the customer, but it's a perfect way to communicate exactly what you're about, without resorting to flashy gimmicks. Email marketing is still one of the best ways to communicate to customers new and old.
It's something that most restaurants do to entice people in, because, let's face it; we all want something for free. When you are working at promoting a blog on a website, a little trinket is cheap to manufacture and helps get your image out there. If you run a fashion blog, a trendy key ring can be a very basic idea, but when you give them out to other bloggers, to get your brand recognized, it's the first, and arguably, most important, step forwards.
Don't Underestimate The Personal Touch
We can spend our entire lives online promoting ourselves through social media, but when we are trying to engage the person in the street, we need to get out there. You might think this isn't particularly conducive to a blog or a website, and it certainly depends on the angle you're going for, but if you are trying to encourage human interaction, and a more social aspect of media, instead of social media, engaging with these people up close, like at expos, makes you more personable. Something as quirky as a wrap around your car can be a simple and effortless way to promote your brand. There are companies like that provide adverts for businesses on passing vehicles. It's a very simple way to get into someone's subconscious. Lucent Wraps
Guesting On Other Blogs
From sending out to gifts to other bloggers and influencers, to get your name out there, take the opportunities when they arise to guest on other people's blogs, and increase your networking capabilities. In the world of business, we feel that we have to keep to ourselves and get things from other people, but it's not conducive to any form of progression, because you're not networking, and you get a reputation as being incredibly selfish. Take the opposite approach, and help other businesses out, and you will be surprised as to the results!
Promoting your blog or website is one finite skill that you have to develop, depending on your business, as well as your imagery and ethos. Thinking outside the box is all well and good, but have it in combination with some useful networking capabilities, and you will be up and running.