Food & Drink Magazine

Castagnaccio for Christmas

By Marialiberati

A Castagnaccio for my Christmas Holiday Table. Thanks to Chestnut Hill Tree Farms for providing  the chestnut flour..a not so easy to find product and this interesting recipe is a traditional artisan addition for any Holiday table..with a long tradition in many parts of Italy…

Castagnaccio for Christmas


1 lb chestnut flour

1/4 cup raisins

3/4 cup milk

1/4 cup pinoli nuts

1 cup extra virgin olive oil

Mix all ingredients, saving 1/2 cup olive oil. Butter the bottom of a ceramic dish and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Place in batter and then pour remaining oil on top. Sprinkle with raisins and pine nuts. Bake at 350 for 50 minutes

For more recipes get your copy of the award winning Holiday book The Basic Art of Italian Cooking:Holidays and Special Occasions-2nd editions

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