TV & Video Magazine

Carrie Preston Talks True Blood Season 6

Posted on the 14 February 2013 by Thevault @The_Vault

Preston poses at premiere for fifth season of True Blood’s Carrie Preston was interviewed by the Huffington Post today and she shared a bit about True Blood’s upcoming  season 6, as follows:


You’re still on “True Blood,” too. Do you get recognized for different shows depending on which coast you’re on?
Yes, I do. Although, It’s not coastal per se, but I play this little game with myself when someone comes up and says, “Oh, I love you on the show.” I play a little game and I say, “‘Good Wife’?” And they’ll go, “Yeah, ‘Good Wife.’ What else would I be talking about?” Or I’ll say, “‘True Blood’?” “Totally, ‘True Blood.’ What else?” And then sometimes people will say both, but there’s definitely types there. Sometimes I’m wrong, but a lot of times I’m right. [Laughs.]

What can you tell me about the next season of “True Blood”? Probably nothing, but I have to ask.
I know you do. We have a new showrunner because Alan Ball is not running the show anymore. Mark Hudis, who is one of our writers, is our new showrunner. We also have a couple of new writers, so it’s interesting. It still has the flavor of “True Blood,” as it always will, but it does have something — a little spring in its step in an interesting way, I think. Everybody is finding the new chemistry between all of that and all those players. And of course, with “True Blood,” there’s always still a million new characters that are being introduced. I don’t know how they keep that many balls in the air and continue to juggle, but they do.


Carrie also talks about her appearance on The Good Wife and Person of Interest, which you can read about by going here.

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