Destinations Magazine

Carlton House Terrace SW1...

By Bollards Of London @bollardoflondon

Carlton House Terrace SW1...

To the left...

Here we are at Carlton House Terrace SW1 between the Mall and Pall Mall in one of the most beautiful parts of urban London.
If we take a close look at the picture (above/below) we see these beautiful ornate iron railing/gates and to the left/right of the iron fence we seen these rather small stone/concrete white painted bollards protecting the iron work from damage by motor vehicles.
The magnolia painted buildings in the background with gray stone/cobbles and the dark matt black fence/railings with its very own white stone border/bollards just look perfect and certainly display a level of care/maintenance one would expect to find this close to Buckingham Palace.

Carlton House Terrace SW1...

To the right...

If we take a look at our #guestbollard (below) provided by the wonderful @bathcat on the twitter we see an urban red brick environment with a boxing gym next door to this rather cute looking tapering stone/concrete small bollard. We shall take a closer look at this bollard from Sheffield tomorrow at my other blog/site 'Bollards of Britain' where this will take its rightful place with many other bollards found outside of London.
On a slightly different note I just received an email with some pictures of 'Bollards from Brazil' ! South America here we come just in time for the the 250th post (bollard).

Carlton House Terrace SW1...

Stone #guestbollard...

Bollards of London (244th)...

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