Food & Drink Magazine

Caramel Pecan Apple Pie

By Lemon_sugar
Caramel Pecan Apple Pie

So, you really can't go wrong with apple pie. Am I right? Even bad apple pie is usually pretty tasty. Or maybe I've never had bad apple pie? Aaannnd, now that I say that, I'm envisioning really bad apple pie, so I guess I could theoretically imagine an apple pie so bad that it might not be worth the calories.

But this one? For Pete's sake, it's covered in a crumb topping. And then. THEN. That crumb topping? It's topped with toasted pecans and caramel sauce. It's half apple crisp, half apple pie and fully awesomely amazing.

Can you imagine this hot out of the oven with a big scoop of vanilla ice cream? You guys, I can't even deal.

Caramel Pecan Apple Pie

The really great thing about this recipe is that it's way, way easier than you think it should be. I had a frozen pie crust in the freezer, so I just used that. And I had leftover homemade caramel sauce in the refrigerator, so I used that. But store-bought pie crust and store-bought caramel ice-cream topping are both totally legit baking shortcuts, so go for it.

Ok, true story: When I was making this pie, my four year old was lurking around my kitchen hoping for treats. She asked what I was chopping (pecans) and I told her that they were nuts, and in an effort to derail her efforts said, "You don't like nuts, remember?" She, thinking she didn't like nuts, went back to playing. I won, and my pecans were safe.

Then, later when I let the girls have some pie, she said, "Yucky. I don't like nuts."

I said, "Yes you do. You like these nuts. These aren't the nuts you don't like."

She ate the pie.

I shouldn't feel this good about manipulating a four-year-old, should I? Small victories, folks.

Caramel Pecan Apple Pie

True story #2: While I was baking this, I was watching Twister. Because I DVR'd it. It was an intentional-Twister watching. And I'm not ashamed.

So. Make this pie. I hope you love it as much as I did.

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Caramel Pecan Apple Pie

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