Dear friends,
as you know here on Car Design Education Tips we speak about many things on car sketching and basics of drawing cars. I am always convinced that, in order to be a good car designer or industrial designer, we have to learn how to draw cars on paper starting from respecting the fundamental rules of drawing and illustration.
We have to start soon (young age) to exercise the art of drawing correctly to improve day by day our skills and get the self-confidence to take a pencil and a paper and draw anything we want to.
The computer digital aided world in which we live today is NOT stopping us to draw on paper because if we think that with the help of Alias or Photoshop we can draw and design a this case we are wrong! The reason is simple, we must control correctly the digital tool to produce good images and illustrations and to do so means that we already know how to draw correctly on paper. So back to basics.
Got the point?
I found a great article about the same subject entitled: Car design: sketches on paper still crucial in a computer-generated world by Andrew English on The Telegraph (click and read it !)
Art & Design Magazine
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