
Cantu Root Relief Review

Posted on the 17 March 2020 by Nail

Cantu Root Relief is another great product that many find very helpful. It’s a shampoo for your hair. It gives you some moisture but also gets rid of tangles and dandruff.

Cantu Root Relief comes in two different formulas, the shampoo and conditioner. I have used both and I will tell you what they are. First, it’s shampoo.

It is good, but not as good as some of the shampoos that I have tried. My hair feels dry, and I only use it twice a week. I have an oil base shampoo, but I do not use that every day. It is not enough for my hair, so I have to use conditioner every day.

Cantu Shea Butter Root Relief comes in a shampoo that contains aloe vera, and a conditioner that contains lavender, which is great for drying out my hair. I also have used this shampoo and conditioner for longer than I have been using the conditioner. Its been about two months. Now I use the conditioner.

This shampoo and conditioner for Cantu Root Relief are great. The lather is great, but I do think that it should have more moisture in it. It dries out my hair a little bit, but it did help to get rid of the tangles and dandruff.

Another reason I like Cantu Shea Butter Root Relief is that it also has a conditioner in it. It is okay, I think the conditioner has a little less moisturizer, but it works well enough for me.

Cantu Root Relief comes in four different fragrances, you can choose the one that you like best. I prefer Mint Cinnamon.

I also love the Cantu Shea Butter Root Reliefmoisturizer, because it has vitamins and moisturizers in it. I use this moisturizer every day, and it helps my hair feel great.

Cantu Shea Butter Root Relief also has a great smelling shampoo. Its a Cologne, and it smells great.

Cantu Root Relief also comes with an aftershave. I use it once a week, and it is ok.

Cantu Shea Butter Root Relief also has a lot of other great hair care tips. This shampoo and conditioner have a lot of great hair growth and hair care tips on its website, and you can check it out to see if it would be a good product for you.

You can visit the Cantu website for more product information. This product is worth checking out.

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