Religion Magazine

Can Someone Be Fired for Being Not Religious?

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
interesting situation..
The Ministry of Religious Affairs appointed a news spokesperson. After the fact they discovered that this person is not religious, and posts things online publicly on Shabbos. There are calls for the appointment to be revoked, and the Minister has said that if he will not resign and remove himself from the office, he, the Minister, will have to fire him.
source: Kipa
While it seems to be logical that the Ministry of religious Affairs should have someone religious filling so public a role as spokesperson, I don't know that it is crucial for the job - he can probably perform the job of spokesperson perfectly fine even as a not-religious person.
So, if any other office in the country refused to hire someone, or fired that person, because he is religious, that would surely be illegal, and the religious parties would be up in arms over it, but firing someone because he is not religious is ok and legal? I wonder if this will go to court...
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