Current Magazine

Can Health and Safety Be Dangerous?

Posted on the 18 January 2013 by Infographixdirectory @infographixdir

Health & Safety is intended to protect us and our loved ones from the dangers of day to day life. Keep us safe and strong, but more and more we see health and safety regulations being interpreted all too literally, and causing issues because of these foolish word of the law interpretations.

Of course issues with health and safety do not only grow from ignorance but also fear of litigation. In the UK especially a culture of litigation is making public companies and organizations more and more weary of any kind of legal responsibility. This attitude has lead us to ridiculous cases such as people not being able to even sit on a park bench under a tree for fear of falling branches.

Effects of Health & Safety On Children Infographic

Infographic Source: Society First

Effects of Health & Safety On Children

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