Can Google+ Communities Really Boost Your SEO?
So I have to ask you a question – are you participating in Google+ Communities yet? Have you started your own? I know – it just seems like one more place to be, right? But in all honesty, it's so much more than that; I could easily write an eBook about the many reasons you need to be using Google+ and all of its features to boost your business. (Hm…maybe I should think about doing that!) And that includes Google+ Communities in a big way! Now there are a lot of people-oriented reasons to use Google+ Communities. By that, I mean that people will see you as a thought leader in your niche, you'll network with some great people, and you'll keep learning and growing in your field But – there's a whole different side to Google+ Communities that affects whether people even find your articles and information, and if you know anything about my blog, you might have guessed that I mean your search engine optimization or SEO. Using Google+ Communities can provide a huge boost to your SEO, and here's how.