Since January, the market for non-fungible tokens (NFTs) has been in a downward spiral, with sales on one popular platform falling to less than one-seventh of their January high and the buyer of a $2.9 million NFT of Jack Dorsey’s first tweet being forced to sell it for only $6,800.
To keep things from getting out of hand, NFT projects have created a new kind of job: the vibes manager.
In some organizations, the vibes manager is also called the “chief vibes officer” or “director of vibes.” This person is a mix of a marketer, an influencer, and an investor relations officer. Their job is to promote NFT initiatives to newcomers and convince existing investors to Keep a positive attitude no matter what.
“Vibes are everything,” said tropoFarmer, who is in his thirties and lives in Minnesota. He was one of the first people to buy Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs, which is one of the most talked-about and expensive collections, and he is a supporter of controlling vibes. There are ways to trade in swings that are based on momentum, which is mostly caused by vibes.
Business Insider says that an NFT company called Fractional was one of the first to hire a vibes director. Influencer Deeze was given the job. A spokeswoman said that Deeze was “a very well-known pundit and tastemaker in the NFT area” and “the second most public-facing person in the company, after the founder.”
A company spokesman said that Deeze is also in charge of the company’s Twitter and Discord accounts and is the “internal “vibe checker” for events and content.
This kind of activity is important for an industry that hopes the promise of social exclusivity will keep people interested in investing and take their minds off the unstable market. Bored Ape NFT holders were able to go to a unique concert series with Lil Baby, Timbaland, and Haim at a recent NFT conference in New York.
tropoFarmer told the Guardian, “People didn’t give a crap about the NFT market falling because the festival mood was so high.”
Michael Jerome, a 20-year-old NFT investor, quit college last year to trade NFTs full-time and write about them online. He was quickly hired by a company called Tally Labs to be their “director of vibes,” a job that was similar to what Deeze did.
Jerome said, “If I had to describe it in one word, I would say it’s marketing.” “It’s a hard-to-understand title that might make you laugh if you don’t get it.”
A lot of these businesses need a steady stream of new suckers to keep the price of their tokens or non-fungible tokens at the same level.
As part of his salary-and-benefits-paid job, he writes “hundreds” of tweets every day on Twitter, where most of the conversation about NFT takes place. “I am the eyes and ears of my community. Jerome said, using a slang word for high-risk crypto investors, “I’m a full-time employee, I work for the team, but first and foremost, I’m a holder, and I’m just another “degen” on Twitter who wants to do a quick flip and have some fun.” I think that makes it easy for people in our community to see me as just another member and friend.
Over time, blockchain investments like NFTs and cryptocurrencies have created a culture of extreme optimism, which is communicated through the community’s own online slang. In the beginning of bitcoin’s rise, people talked about how the price was “soaring to the moon.” The new motto is “WAGMI,” which stands for “We will succeed.” Since the assets aren’t really regulated, their prices have changed a lot over the years. This was caused by claims that blockchain could solve real-world problems like democracy failure and poverty.
This hasn’t been helpful at all. And people who don’t like blockchain say that the current interest in vibe management has a simple cause: old investors need new goals to work toward.
“Many of these projects need a steady stream of new suckers to keep the prices of tokens, NFTs, or whatever the project is based on, up,” said software engineer Molly White, whose sarcastically named “web3 is going great” website has a scrolling timeline of major crypto collapses.
“They use words like community, vibes, and culture to describe it. But it’s hard to separate this from the fact that no project can happen without new people. It is a subtle way of turning the idea of community into a weapon.”
Ed Zitron, a writer and publicist for a tech company, said that vibe managers are “somewhere between a preacher and a straight-up con artist… It’s to make people feel good about staying in crypto, losing money, or at least that they’re on the right side of history.
As soon as they walk in, people who give them hugs, pats on the back, and cheers will make them feel much more welcome.
Jerome, who is the director of vibrations at Tally Labs, said that “a lot of smoke and mirrors, a lot of false marketing, and a lot of hype-driven garbage” could cause costs to go through the roof. But he said that this was “frustrating as a professional builder and when working with someone you think is serious about their work.”
He said that the company has “huge” plans to expand the fictional world of Bored Apes. One of these plans is a book co-written by The Game’s creator, Neil Strauss, and starring more than 4,000 digital apes. But what he really wants is for NFTs to be used by a lot of people. “It will take a lot of work to get one billion, two billion, or three billion people to sign up.”
To get to that size, potential NFT owners will need to have a lot of “welcoming feelings.” TropoFarmer says that potential NFT owners often face “a substantial financial investment.”
“It’s like a person who paid tens of thousands of dollars to get into a bar for the first time. If no one is there to greet them when they walk in, it’s a failure. As soon as they walk in, people who give them hugs, pats on the back, and cheers will make them feel much more welcome.
They will be a much more active member of the community, which will make the community a better place for everyone in the long run.
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