Campanula trachelium (02/07/2016, Kew Gardens, London)
Position: Full sun to partial shade
Flowering period: Summer
Soil: Moist, well drained
Eventual Height: 90cm
Eventual Spread: 45cm
Hardiness: 5a, 5b, 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b, 9a
Family: Campanulaceae
Campanula trachelium is a deciduous herbaceous perennial with an upright habit. Its dark green leaves are ovate with wavy serrulate margins, up to 10cm long and 3cm broad. Its pale purple flowers are bell shaped, up to 5cm long and appear on a one sided spike in loose racemes.

Campanula trachelium Flower Bud (02/07/2016, Kew Gardens, London)
Campanula trachelium, commonly known as Nettle Leaved Bellflower, Bats In The Belfry or Throatwort, is native to much of Europe (including the UK) and parts of north Africa. In its native habitat it grows at the margins of deciduous woodlands.
The etymological root of the binomial name Campanula is derived from the Latin campana meaning ‘bell’. Trachelium is derived from the Greek traxhlos meaning ‘throat’, in reference to its historic use as to treat sore throats.

Campanula trachelium Leaf (02/07/2016, Kew Gardens, London)
The landscape architect may find Campanula trachelium useful as a native flowering perennial suitable for planting at the margins of woodlands and dappled shade locations in humus rich soils. This perennial will readily self seed.
Ecologically, Campanula trachelium flowers are attractive to pollinating insects.
Campanula trachelium prefers moist, humus rich, well-drained soils. It tolerates most pH of soil.
Campanula trachelium requires little maintenance.

Landscape Architecture