Religion Magazine

Calling on the Left to Unite

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
the following ad, anonymously sponsored, has gone up around the country..
calling on the Left to unite
The ad calls for the politicians/parties on the Left to unite in order to win, or to not lose votes.
While the public, for now, does not know who is behind it, I suspect some clues might give us some direction..
1. Benny Gantz is pictured front and center - right in the middle. He is, for now, Netanyahu's main challenger.
2. Ehud Barak isn't even running, and while rumors have spread about the possibility of him joining a political party, it has not happened yet and there is no real indication that it will. He has spent the lats year or so very publicly calling for Netanyahu's downfall.
3. Lapid, Gantz, Yaalon and Ashkenazi have all been called Left by Netanyahu and others on the Right, though the reality about them is either different or ambiguous. Lapid is somewhere in the center but at least lapid's position can be debatable, as he has been in politics and his positions are known. Gantz has remained silent and nobody knows which way he leans or what his positions are no anything. Ashkenazi isn't even in politics, though he has been rumored to be considering joining the fray - though his positions are not known and one of the rumors had him possibly joining the Likud. Yaalon is a former Likudnik, though possibly more towards the Center, ie left end, of the party than the Right edge. Yet all of these people have been labeled as Left by Netanyahu, Likud and others following suit on the Right.
In my opinion we will eventually find out that this ad is someone on the Right, maybe even from the Likud or someone close to Netanyahu, throwing shade at these wannabes.
Another interesting thing about this ad is that in the signs that went up in Bnei Braq, the image of Tzippi Livni was left out. Livni's face was left out because Bnei Braq will not approve public ads bearing he images of women.
In response to this, Livni has put out a call as if she is a representative of all the women - Bnei Braq was not removing her but the faces of all women. As if she has been fighting the fight of all women and represents them. She's right that Bnei Braq erases all women from public spaces, as is done in many other places around Israel and even abroad, but Tzippi Livni is not representative of that and women who vote for her to fight this fight will most likely be sorely disappointed when she does not, as she has not.
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