
Calling All Parents: Discovering Smartwatches with Calling Features for Kids

Posted on the 30 April 2024 by Shoumya Chowdhury

Kids’ smartwatches began surging in popularity with the arrival of calls-enabled models offering parental control and a wide variety of safety-oriented features while simultaneously allowing kids to call mom and dad or their friends. It isn’t like an iPhone, tempting them to spend all their time aimlessly scrolling through social media.

Welcome to the new world of smartwatch parenting, where a strange new galaxy of kids’ smartwatches is vying to wrap a band around your child’s wrist. This guide is for tech-savvy parents looking for a new connection with their children that will provide better information, security and peace of mind.

The Rise of Smartwatches for Kid Communication

Gone are the days when watches were just for telling time – today’s smartwatches for kids are communication nodes, fitness trackers, learning tools, and more. The need for these advanced features arises from an escalating concern for child safety and a desire for controlled and moderated communication.

Studies show that child abduction, internet and social media risks, and the general pace of life have made direct communication between parent and child a high priority, giving rise to the demand for smartwatches with calling capabilities.

Understanding the Parental Need

For parents, a smartwatch with calling feature represents a compromise between a smartphone’s full functionalities and a more controlled tool for establishing communication. This device is no longer just a whimsical gadget but a conduit for parental involvement in a child’s life, providing a secure line of communication that can be trusted.

Empowering Young Minds Responsibly

Equipping children with technology can foster responsibility and independence, when done in a controlled manner. Smartwatches that are designed with features like two-way calling do exactly that. They provide the freedom to communicate while also keeping children safe from the detriments of unfiltered smartphone use.

Two-Way Calling Capabilities

Smartwatches for kids have revolutionized the way that parents and their little ones stay in touch. With two-way calling, children can easily reach out to a select list of contacts that parents approve, ensuring that communication remains secure and manageable.

Communicating with Ease

The voice command feature simplifies calling, and an in-built speaker and microphone enable clear and cordial conversations. This interactive element encourages children to stay in touch and lets parents chat with their kids at any time, without any hassle.

Emergency Assistance at the Wrist

One of the most compelling aspects of two-way calling is the potential for emergency calls, often activated through an SOS feature. It’s a safeguard that simultaneously educates kids about when and how to ask for help, turning the smartwatch into a personal safety companion.

Seamless Smartphone Integration

The best smartwatches for kids are those that effectively bridge the gap between child and parent, and integration with smartphone technology is key. Smartwatches typically pair with a parent’s smartphone, offering a comprehensive suite of communication tools.

Monitoring Your Child’s Communication

Through companion apps, parents have control over call logs, voicemails, and can even listen in on their kids’ conversations. This level of oversight ensures that the smartwatch doesn’t just provide connectivity but also peace of mind for parents.

Managing Calls from a Distance

With the touch of a button, parents can add or remove contacts, set do-not-disturb hours, and restrict calling to emergency contacts, ensuring that the smartwatch is used responsibly and in a way that aligns with family rules.

Ensuring Secure and Responsible Usage

Smartwatches should complement a child’s lifestyle without overwhelming it. It’s important to ensure that the features designed for safety and communication do not come with the risk of overexposure to technology or inappropriate content.

Fine-Tuning Parental Settings

Modern smartwatches come with a suite of parental controls, from limiting call duration to controlling text messaging, giving parents the tools to manage their child’s smartwatch usage with granularity.

Location Tracking and Geofencing

Real-time location tracking and geofencing features can keep parents informed of their child’s whereabouts. These tools are invaluable in busy public spaces or during outdoor adventures, ensuring that kids can explore safely.

Balancing Connectivity

Setting boundaries around smartwatch usage is critical. Smartwatches can be set to silent during school hours and contain a suite of educational features that make them more than just communication devices, like encouraging physical activity.

Stylish and Durable Watch Design

Smartwatches for kids are more than just gadgets; they’re accessories that children are excited to wear. The design should be not only trendy but also durable enough to withstand the activities of a child’s day.

Personalizing the Device

Kids love to personalize their belongings, and smartwatches offer a range of customizable watch faces that can be changed according to mood or outfit, enhancing the attachment a child feels for their device.

Built for a Child’s Lifestyle

A quality smartwatch is designed to resist the knocks and bumps of a child’s day. Scratch-resistant and water-resistant materials ensure that the device remains functional and attractive even after tough usage.

Growing with Your Child

The versatility of smartwatches extends to the watch band, which is adjustable and can grow with your child. This ensures that the wearing comfort and fit are maintained as your child grows.

Additional Smartwatch Features for Kids

Although calling capabilities are the standout feature of these digital accessories, smartwatches offer a range of other functionalities that parents will find equally beneficial for their child’s growth and safety.

Fitness Tracking and Healthy Habits

Smartwatches come equipped with pedometers, encouraging children to stay active. They turn fitness into a fun challenge, encouraging healthy habits early on.

Learning and Growth Apps

The ecosystem around kid-friendly smartwatches includes a variety of educational apps and games that can support learning and development in an engaging and interactive manner.

Voice Assistant and Learning Tool

Voice assistants like Alexa or Siri can help with homework, answer questions, and even tell stories, making learning more interactive and hands-free.

Finding the Right Balance of Features and Cost

The smartwatch market is a mind-boggling one: there are a lot of features that can be packed onto these devices and consequently, a lot of price points. To avoid getting lost in the mix, it’s best to decide what features you really need and balance it off with the kind of money you want to invest.

Essential vs. Nice-to-Have Features

Think about what features you need in your child’s smartwatch. A calling function is non-negotiable, but would you want one with camera functionality?

Setting a Realistic Budget

Think about how much you’d be prepared to pay for your kid’s smartwatch. The initial price of the device is only the tip of the iceberg: monthly data plans should be factored in as well.

Comparing the Offerings

The customer experience is hugely different among models from the same company. Other brands may have features that are better than their competitors, or they may be more compatible with your existing tech ecosystem at home. You can gain insight only if you read reviews diligently.


Kids’ smartwatches are rightfully seen as making busy modern parenting a little easier. Smart accessories that help us communicate with our kids are a nuanced answer to an old riddle: how and when should we immerse our kids in communicative technology?

While they’re little more than high-priced toys to uncritical bystanders, kid-friendly smartwatches are a complete overhaul of parent-child communication. Armed with enough critical reading on specs, design and cost, a kid’s smartwatch may well turn out to be the best copilot in your child’s rearing. And your sanity.

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