Kutki or Katuka is a hepatoprotective herb, which has immense healing properties. It is known for its intense bitter taste. Kutki is cooling, cleansing, and anti-bacterial in nature. All these properties make Kutki a powerful herbal antibiotic, Pitta pacifier agent, anti-inflammatory , detoxifier, and an antimicrobial powerhouse. It promotes healthy elimination of excess fat and cholesterol, and boosts overall metabolism.
SCIENTIFIC NAME – Picrorhiza kurroa
SANSKRIT NAME – Matsyashakla,katvi
Part used – Generally root
Each 500mg of cac kutki capsules contains herbal extract of the kutki herb.
Rasa(taste) – Tikta(bitter)
Guna(quality) – Ruksha(dry), laghu(light or easy to digest)
Virya (Action or potency) – Sheet virya(cold in potency)
Vipaka(post digestion effect) – Katu(pungent)
Dosha effect – Balances pitta and kapha dosha
- Kitin
- Picrorrhizin
- Kukurbitacin
- Benetic acid
- Vanilliac acid
- Kutki sterol
- Apocynin
- D-mannitol
- ASRAJIT – Being coolant, useful in bleeding disorders like nasal bleeding,menorrhagia etc
- DAHAJIT – Gives relief fromburning sensations( like in diabetic neuropathy)
- AROCHAK- Cures Anorexia
- VISHAMJVARA – Chronic,recurrent fever
- DEEPANI – Improves metabolism/digestive fire
- HRUDYA – Good for heart
- BHEDANI AND RECHANI – Piercing action, causes purgation
- PRAMEHA – Useful in diabetes and urinary tract infections
- SHWAS, KASA – Useful in asthma, dyspnea, cold, cough
- KUSHTAHARA – Used in skin disorders
- KAPHA PITTA JWARAPAHA – Used in fever of kapha and pitta origin
- Katuki because of its bitter taste and coolant nature pacifies pitta in conditions that inflict rasa dhatu and blood. It also does prasadana(nourishing and toning) of these dhatus. Breast milk which is considered as updhatu of Rasa also gets influenced by this purification effect of kutki.
- Kutki helps in splitting/breaking up the hardened fecal matter(pureesh bhedan) accumulated in colon because of aggravated vata and pushes it further downwards. Pungent vipaka of kutki is responsible for this action.
- Lower doses of kutki lights up digestive fire, cleanses the blocked channels/stotas inside heart and expels out the accumulated doshas from the body thus helps the rasa dhatu to circulate freely within the channels of heart. Hence nourishes the heart.
- In conditions of jvara – Ayurveda believes Ama to be the main causative factor of jvara/fever. Because of its tikta rasa kutki helps in digestion of ama and pacifies pitta and kapha dosha.
- Kaphaj type cough and dyspnea- by clearing the dosha sanghata/accumulated doshas through its bhedan and adhomargaharan ability, kutki clears out the kapha accumulated in chest and causing congestion. In ascites of kapha and pitta origin and in sarvang shopha kutki induces purgation and expels accumulated doshas out and eventually reduces the accumulated fluid in peritoneum.
- In ulcers – Due to its bitter taste kutki is used in skin ulcers which has excessive moisture. Bitter property dries up the moisture and helps the ulcer to heal quickly.
Our CAC Kutki capsules are 500mg per tablet, which is easy to take in a dose of twice a day(1bd)
It is different in comparison to other pharmacy kutki capsules available in open market.
- Liver disorders
- Fevers due to vitiated pitta and Kapha doshas
- Skin disorders
- Autoimmune disorders like psoriasis and vitiligo
- Stimulates digestion
- Cough & heat of the body
- Laxative, used in case of chronic constipation
- Local application to get relief from burning sensation
DOSAGE – 1 capsule twice daily with plain water.