Photography Magazine

by Bianca Ozeri I Wrote a Boring, Journalistic Piece on This...

By Briennewalsh @BrienneWalsh
Vid Post

by Bianca Ozeri

I wrote a boring, journalistic piece on this video for the WILD yesterday morning. Now, on A Brie Grows In Brooklyn, I’m thankful I can say what I really feel…

This video makes me horny as fuck!

To be candid, I’m in a bit of a dry spell right now. So when I watched the ten-minute music video three times yesterday, masturbating in the bathroom was not far off my thought track. Masturbating in the bathroom is never really far off my thought track, though. This time, however, I decided it wouldn’t be such a good idea. I work in an amazing warehouse building that’s currently being made into an ugly office building, so heat, in most parts, including the bathroom, is absent. Orgasm in a forty degree stall where you have to put your soiled toilet paper in the trash bin instead of the shitter because plumbing is down? No.  

In any case, the video made my vaj pound. (No it didn’t. My vaj hasn’t pounded without cumming since I climbed the rope at World Cup Gymnastics when I was twelve, which I made sure to do at every class!) It did make my heart patter, though. I think it’s impossibly beautiful. 

(The video is a another installment of Sigur Rós’s Valtari Mystery Film Experiment, in which the band gives twelve directors the same modest budget to make a music video of any track(s) on their new album. This one is directed by Christian Larson. You can watch the others here.)

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