Politics Magazine

Buttigieg Making Waves - Is Public Ready To Vote For A Gay?

Posted on the 27 March 2019 by Jobsanger
Buttigieg Making Waves - Is Public Ready To Vote For A Gay?
The Mayor of South Bend (Indiana) is Pete Buttigieg. He is also a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020. He started his campaign as an unknown with very little support, but after making campaign stops and appearing on various cable news programs he is starting to make some waves among Democratic voters.
Why? Because he is, as some have called him, the perfect anti-Trump. He is decent, intelligent, moral, likable, a veteran, speaks multiple languages, and has an excellent grasp of the issues facing this country. He is everything that Trump is not.
He is also gay, and very happily married to his same-sex partner. I honestly don't think that matters to most Democrats. They just want the best possible candidate that can beat Trump. But the real question is -- Has the American public grown up enough to vote for a gay to be their president?
Happily, the answer seems to be YES. As the chart below shows, about 68% of the general public say they would be enthusiastic or comfortable voting for a gay or lesbian candidate. Only 30% said they would be uncomfortable or have reservations.
I suspect that 30% are Republicans anyway (members of Trump's bigoted base), and wouldn't vote for any Democrat (gay or not).
I have not decided who I will support and vote for next year in the Democratic primary. But I like Pete Buttigieg, and he is one of the candidates I am giving serious consideration. I urge other Democrats to do the same.
The chart below reflects the results of the NBC News / Wall Street Journal Poll -- done between February 24th and 27th of a national sample of 900 adults, and has a margin of error of 3.27 points.
Buttigieg Making Waves - Is Public Ready To Vote For A Gay?

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