Shopping Magazine

Buthcers & Bicycles Cargo Trike

Posted on the 30 January 2014 by Manofmany @manofmanytastes

Buthcers & Bicycles Cargo Trike

Finally a cool cargo trike! This baby combines high performance and practicality. Denmark’s Butchers & Bicycles used their engineering prowess to create the cargo trike the world needs – the Mk1. What’s the magic behind the Mk1? The Balance Point Titlting system gives the trike the same leaning power as normal bikes, which makes for faster cycling and stable turns at greater speeds. With a powder-coated 7005 T6 aluminum frame and infinitely-variable NuVinci N360 planetary hub transmission what’s not to like.

Check it out

MK1 – Tilt-action cargo trike from Butchers & Bicycles, Copenhagen from Butchers & Bicycles, Copenhagen on Vimeo.

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