Current Magazine

Business in Prince George’s County & Poll Results

By Ceemac126 @PGCBlogging

Southern Maryland Hospital to announce partnership with larger health chain, Marylanders split on gay marriage, Prince George’s stalled development, Westphalia, purchased by Canadian

Business in Prince George’s County & Poll Results

I keep hearing about all these commissioned studies and polls on how the people will vote on same-sex marriage but I don’t know anyone who’s participated in one. Hmmm….  Well-anyway: according to OpinionWorks, the nays have the majority vote at 43% of Maryland voters who were so favored to be a part of this poll would vote to make same-sex marriage illegal versus 40% that would vote to make it legal.  There were other polls taken by the Washington Post and Marylanders for Marriage Equity last year that showed about the same results.

Business in Prince George’s County & Poll Results
Southern Maryland Hospital is a independent hospital in Clinton that will soon become part of a larger health care system.  Officials declined to say who they’re in negotiations with but they did say that it would be a national or regional health care system.  CEO Michael Chiaramonte said, “Aligning ourselves with a leading regional or national health system will allow us to strengthen our existing service lines, bring new specialty services to the community, expand our facility, and continue to recruit the area’s top physicians.”

Business in Prince George’s County & Poll Results
Westphalia, the mixed-use promised land of Prince George’s County, has been stalled since 2009.  The project has been recently jump started with the $29.5 million purchase of a large parcel of Westphalia by Canadian developer, The Walton group.  The remaining portions of the development are expected to be purchased by an unnamed subsidiary company.  The former lead developer, Daniel Colton, pleaded guilty to extortion and a host of other things related to the the Jack Johnson corruption scandal.  Completion of the first phase of Westphalia  is 2014.  If, like me, you’re wondering where this behemoth of  a development will locate its 2.2 million square feet of office space, 533,759 square feet of retail space and a 600-room hotel. Residential plans call for 884 apartments, 779 townhouses and 66 single-family homes, then you have but to look towards the I-95 corridor near Joint Base Andrews.

  • Welcome our Canadian neighbor!


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