The fury of nature often
ends in colossal losses ~ how do you prevent them – insurance is one way of
protection – insurance can never prevent a loss; but would indemnify the policy
holder providing monetary compensation for the loss or damage suffered. Is this a problem of mammoth proportions or
an elephantine solution !!photo credit : phenomenon of ‘Bush
fire’ is not so well heard of here in India
but itcommonly occurs in Australia.
There were devastating bush fires – described as 2013 Tasmanian bushfires – it
was a series of bushfires in south-eastern Tasmania in starting in
November/December of 2012, with major fires in early January 2013, right through
until late April 2013. Bushfires in Australia
are frequently occurring events during the hotter months of the year due to Australia's
mostly hot, dry climate. Large areas of land are ravaged every year by
bushfires, which also cause property damage and loss of life. In 2009 Southern Australia
heat wave, which precipitated the conditions, 173 people lost their lives. Bushfires in Australia, are
generally defined as any uncontrolled, non-structural fire burning in a grass,
scrub, bush, or forested area. Though we
don’t to get to hear its occurrence, the Standard Fire and Special Policy
issued in India
covers ‘bush fire’ too …Margaret River is
a town in the South West of Western Australia, renowned to be a surfing location…
the surrounding area is the Margaret River Wine Region, known for its wine
production and tourism. In 2011,
bushfire raged in thse places. At least
30 homes and chalets - including the historic Wallcliffe House - were reportedly damaged or destroyed by the
fire. Authorities issued an emergency warning to residents; there was another fire that burnt 4,000 hectares of the Mt
Lindsay National Park. The holiday ridge hotels in the region also went up in
flames. It was feared by the authorities
that strong winds and temperatures of more than 30 degrees Celsius were causing the fire to flare again as a huge
contingent of firefighters fought valiantly to contain it. Couple of years later, there is news that
legal action is being contemplated against the Department of Environment and
Conservation on behalf of a group of Margaret River bushfire victims. It is
believed that about 35 people are involved in the class action being organised
by a law firm stating that the financial
assistance already offered by the government was not sufficient. They are also
seeking compensation for loss of amenity and decline in property values which have
resulted from these fires.Now can you ever imagine
this solution………. According to one expert - Australia could introduce large
herbivores such as elephants as part of a radical biological solution to the
problem of bushfires and invasive species.
A Prof of Environmental change biology put forth this argument. The programmes designed to address the problem
of bushfire and invasive species were described as short-term. The sheer
magnitude of the landscape makes short-term slashing and aerial spraying
programs impractical, and biological solutions are needed instead. The researchers propose that large herbivores
like elephants be used as "grass-eating machines" and, used alongside
traditional Aboriginal patch burning, to help manage fire risk in the north. It
was also suggested that top predators like dingoes could be reinstated to
control foxes and cats, and Aboriginal people should be encouraged to hunt
feral animals.Some antagonists
immediately opposed stating that introducing elephants will be unpopular
because the animals are a threat to trees and would be difficult to confine
behind fences. The idea was ridiculed by some as sounding like a page of Michael
Crichton novel ~ but still stated that the experiment would help settle the
debate over whether humans or climate change caused megafauna, such as mammoths
and giant kangaroos, to become extinct. With regards – S. Sampathkumar. 19th Mar 2o14