Destinations Magazine

Bus Egypt: Snorkelling in the Red Sea

By Antipodeanblog @antipodeanblog
Call me ignorant, but I never knew that the Red Sea was a decent diving spot. And I certainly didn't expect it to measure up to the Great Barrier Reef.Red Sea = 2, Andrew = nil.
The dive center in Dahab feels like a hippie hangout - a recurring theme in this coastal town which is far more homely than its larger cousins Sharm-el-Sheikh and Hurghada. Here we're fitted for flippers before driving 20 minutes to the famous Blue Hole crammed in the back of old jeeps.
Bus Egypt: Snorkelling in the Red Sea
It's an unremarkable day, gray and mild. And the Blue Hole looks similarly unexciting... until you get underwater. The moment your head goes under, you're in the middle of a Finding Nemo-esque scene with brightly coloured anemones and an overwhelming number of underwater species.
Bus Egypt: Snorkelling in the Red Sea
If you're lucky you can see a turtle gliding calmly, though we weren't fortunate enough for that this time. But I did see a baby stingray!

Bus Egypt: Snorkelling in the Red Sea

The baby stingray isn't actually in this photo, so you can stop looking. sorry.

After a few hours of snorkelling, it's back to the hippie beachside hangout for a quick drink and some lunch before we return to our hotel.

Bus Egypt: Snorkelling in the Red Sea

The perfect spot for some afternoon water-ball games.

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