Debate Magazine

Bumpersticker Gun Nut Words of Stupidity and Violent Gun Culture Philosophy

Posted on the 11 February 2012 by Mikeb302000
The Gun Nuts expect us to trust them when they tell us how much they believe in not using deadly force if it can be avoided ---- except they appear to be almost drooling with eagerness when they comment on a situation where they could use their fetish object.  It rings hollow.  Here's why.
I saw a few of these bumper stickers today on  actual vehicles in my neighborhood.Bumpersticker Gun Nut Words of Stupidity and Violent Gun Culture PhilosophyBumpersticker Gun Nut Words of Stupidity and Violent Gun Culture PhilosophyBumpersticker Gun Nut Words of Stupidity and Violent Gun Culture PhilosophyBumpersticker Gun Nut Words of Stupidity and Violent Gun Culture PhilosophyBumpersticker Gun Nut Words of Stupidity and Violent Gun Culture Philosophy
Just to give you a few examples of how widespread the sentiment is.
There are more.  Many many many more versions.
So, WHY is it do you think that WE are less than persuaded when YOUBumpersticker Gun Nut Words of Stupidity and Violent Gun Culture Philosophytry to assure us how serious you are about not using lethal force if you can avoid it.
You can avoid it easily.  Don't use your gun INSTEAD of a cell phone or an alarm system or pepper spray or a stun gun or surveillance equipment or any of the many other possibilities INSTEAD of gun violence.Bumpersticker Gun Nut Words of Stupidity and Violent Gun Culture Philosophy
And don't exalt that gun culture of violence by advocating or yourself using one of these, or anything like it. It is as much your lack of condemnation as it is your glorying in this kind of violence which makes your assurances so very unconvincing.  Gun culture: long on guns, short on culture.

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