Good morning babes and happy Friday! It’s been a super strange week; it snowed yesterday morning and then was 45 and sunny by afternoon, all snow melted. I don’t get it! I need to be on a beach like yesterday…
This was the first week the kids were back to school after spring break and it was great haha I love my kids but I NEED that time by myself. Having a few uninterrupted hours to week, run errands, clean the house, etc is like gold. I’m sure you moms know how that goes! Oh and get a massage.. that was a MUST.

We did some spring cleaning this week and I sold some of my clothes and the kids clothes to Plato’s Closet and Once Upon a Child. I made over $300 at Plato’s Closet and only $36 at Once Upon a Child. But I also only brought one tote of clothes. I sold 96 of my items so I was super happy with the $$$ they offered me! That never happens and I feel like it’s so hit or miss. So I’ll take it!
We also just reactivated our Hello Fresh subscription again because I seriously love it. We did the family plan, 2 meals a week and it comes out to $65. Which I don’t think is too bad at all. I love trying new things, using fresh ingredients, and letting my kids try something I wouldn’t normally make! Plus, they like to help me cook

And now onto this week’s bumpdate: 23 weeks!
How far along: 23 weeks + 4 days
Size of baby: Grapefruit
Baby’s size and weight: 11.3 in and 1.10 pounds… officially in POUNDS now!
My total weight gain: 30 pounds
Baby’s development:
Forming little nipples.
Baby’s face is fully formed, just needs to put on some fat and fill out.
Baby is listening to my voice and heartbeat and can hear loud sounds like cars honking or dogs barking.
Stretch marks: Nothing significant.
Maternity clothes: A lot of my maternity jeans are getting too small which makes me feel terrible but I know, that’s what happens. best places to find maternity clothes!
Gender: Girl and we’re officially calling her by name (most of the time, unless I forget lol)

Movement: She moves a lot in the morning and afternoon.
Sleep: Still taking Unisom, half a pill nightly.
What I miss: Feeling good in my clothes and being able to breathe normally.
Food cravings: I want a beer like woah… ugh, only a few more months.
Symptoms: My back pain has been super bad so I am seeing a specialist in a few weeks. I’ve had lower back pain for awhile (pre-pregnancy) and I think pregnancy is just making it ten times worse. I ordered this back support band so I’m hoping it helps give me some relief. But sleeping is the worst

The siblings are: not showing much interest in trying to feel the baby. If she’s moving and I ask if they want to feel her, they say no. I’m sure they’ll warm up one day haha BUT I am so excited because tomorrow, we’re headed to “Becoming a Big Sister/Big Brother” Class! They’ll learn how to hold and care for the new baby, what happens when mom goes to the hospital, etc. They didn’t have anything like this for N and he was super young when P was born so I’m excited to see what they think! They have to bring a doll or stuffed animal and it’s supposed to be very hands on. I’ll report back!
High of the week: Getting the final big pieces we need for the nursery! Stay tuned for that collab… I’m so excited about it

Low of the week: My back pain. It’s been SO bad I can barely walk sometimes. I also feel like a whale and it makes me super irritable. I’ve been taking it out on my family and kids and I know that’s not fair to them. I’ll be so glad when these pregnancy hormones are goneeeee. But then I’ll be nursing and be out of whack from that sooooo see you in like 2 years normal Sam lol
We’re having a low-key pizza Friday tonight and then the sibling class tomorrow! I hope you all have a fabulous weekend… see you Monday! xo
Previous weeks: