Happy Friday friends. It has been a week. Seriously, I am so drained but you know what? It’s a new day and I’m going to try and put all of this crap behind me. 31 has been off to a rocky start but that’s okay, that’s life. I won’t pretend it’s all fine and dandy when I’m crying on the inside some days. I don’t want to go all Eeyore on you over here but if I’m going to share the highs, I have to share the lows too. That’s only fair. But it can only go up from here!
Not much happening with the baby this week. The nursery is still non-existent and I know we have time. But I have to get all of the crap out of the room first before we can even start. But honestly, there has been so much else going on, that’s not even my to-do list right now.
But let’s get to this week’s bumpdate:

How far along: 14 weeks + 4 days
Size of baby: Peach
Baby’s size and weight: 3.39 inches and 1.5 ounces
My total weight gain: 10 lbs
Baby’s development:
Sucking thumb and wiggling toes.
Kidneys are making urine and the liver and spleen are doing their jobs too (not sure what those are…someone give me a health lesson.)
Baby is growing lanugo, that thin peach fuzz-like hair on the body that helps keep it warm.
Stretch marks: None.
Maternity clothes: It got super cold again so mostly just living in leggings and tees.
Gender: I have an ultrasound to confirm what we found out from my SneakPeek Test... so stay tuned!
Movement: Honestly, I can’t feel anything lol
Sleep: I haven’t been sleeping at all. Not even pregnancy related really, just a rough week for sleep. Well, a rough week in general.
What I miss: Ehhh nothing specific I guess. Just hating the heaviness of my top right now.
Food cravings: Nothing special.
Symptoms: Exhaustion, digestive issues (sorry, TMI), and headaches… BAD headaches.
The siblings are: ready to know what I’m having. P will be with us today so I have to make sure the tech doesn’t say it out loud! My amazing friend is making me cupcakes with blue or pink dye in the middle so the kids will each get one of those tonight and find out! I’ll be sure to film their reaction (which makes me nervous because someone is going to be disappointed lol)
High of the week: My birthday was yesterday and the outpour of love was amazing. But I have to say, I’ve mostly just been waiting for this ultrasound.
Low of the week: THE ENTIRE WEEK. Can that be my answer? Between the broken furnace, having to wake the kids up to leave the house, having to do loads of laundry because the cat peed on the bed, almost getting run off the road by someone with road rage… yeah, I’ve just had it with this week. I’m mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted and I’m just looking forward to a weekend with family.
Our plan is to tell the kids tonight and family this weekend. Which means y’all will get to know next week! Hopefully early in the week

I hope everyone has a great weekend. In case you missed my posts from the past few weeks, I’ll link them below. XO!