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Bullying is a Curse: Parents! Don’t Let Anyone to Scare, Humiliate and Manipulate Your Children

Posted on the 27 June 2018 by Ruby Mariah @rubymariah22

Bullying is a curse: Parents! Don’t let anyone to scare, humiliate and manipulate your childrenBullying or cyber bullying is undoubtedly is one of the social issues that has prevailed in our society and it is continuously increasing as the technology has made its way to the next level. Even kids using their android cell phones and computer devices connected to the internet are not safe through online bullying. However, schoolyards, playgrounds, and streets have already well known for this particular unethical crime.

 Bullying is in the shadow of the doubt is unnecessary, aggressive behavior that has found among most in school going kids and teens that really found perceived power imbalance. The type of behavior is repeated again and again with the victim or has sheer potential being repeated with the passage of time. Both the victims and attackers may come up with the serious long lasted problems. Therefore, parents have to know bully signs and indicators that can alarm them that their kids and teens have bullied or cyber bullied or bullying others in real- life and in cyber life.

What stats tell us about bullying & cyber bullying

Stats about real- life bullying

According to the National Center for Education Statistics & Bureau of justice Statistics has shown that, nationwide. 21% of the school going kids and teens experience bullying between the ages of 12-18.

2015 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System  that is Center for Disease Control & Prevention reportedly stated that, 20% or the student from grade 9-12 have bullied beyond the school gates.

Cyber bullying statistics from the i-SAFE foundation

Stats about cyber bullying

  • Almost half of teens have been the victim of online bullying
  • 1 out of 10 teens inform parents being bullied online
  • Less than 1 out 5 cyber bullying complaints has files against cyber bullying to law enforcement agencies
  • 1 out of 10 teens have faced embarrassing photos captured on their own without the permission by using cell phone cameras
  • 1 out 5 teens posted compromised photos of themselves to others
  • Young girls are the most wanted targets in cyber bullying

Alarming sings & types of cyber bullying/bullying that your child is a victim

It is parent’s moral responsibility that they should know about their children’s emotional and physical well being. Today, we have accumulated few types and number of sings that will make parents understand that their child was running with something wrong such as bullying and cyberbullying and we will further guide them how to deal with it.

Emotional & social signs that your child is a victim of bullying

  • Ill sleeping patterns
  • Ill eating habits
  • Sudden crying or anger
  • Mood swings
  • Pretends to be ill in the morning
  • Seems withdrawn or starts stammering

Physical sings that indicates your child has bullied

  • Unsettled clothes, cuts and scratches
  • Remain hungry and no demands of meal
  • Comes home with missing belongings

Sings that your child has bullied in school

  • Scare to go to school
  • Often changes routes for school
  • Don’t want to go alone at school
  • School grads sudden start declining

Sings that indicated your child has bullied online

  • Don’t want to use cell phone & computer anymore
  • Absent from social media having post time addiction
  • Usually remain alone & tense
  • Don’t hang out with friends & family members
  • Don’t take selfies and stop posting their pictures

Is Cyber Bullying & real-life bullying a myth?

It depends upon the factors and environment in which your children are living. Most of the time the phenomenon of online bullying and real-life bullying remains a myth and few times it comes true under such circumstances. Here are the few things that you need to know when and when not bullying is the myth and when it is true.

Bullying is undoubtedly an epidemic –MYTH

Bullying online or in real life bullying rates very high when children using social media apps and often victims don’t discuss with the parents and in school bullies are quite less prevalent and their wrongs need to be noted by the school authorities.

Bullying is a leading factor in child suicide attempts –True

We don’t fully endorse yet being a chronically bullied child may tend towards the suicide. In case this is happening to someone that is usually running with swear depression, anxiety, withdrawn and that would be the untreated case that force adolescents to commit suicide. Hence we can say that bullying is one of the leading factors in young kids and teens to commit suicide.

 Are bullies young criminals –MYTH

There multitude character profiles when it comes to the youngsters that bully other young kids and teens. These types of teenagers are known as invective aggressors –that usually have anti-social activities across the lifespan. These type of kids when starting their middle school life say sixth grade then a group suddenly appears is known as effective aggressors or we call them “Machiavellian bullies” They are well-known kids and they are quite over-represented in athletic groups and administrators don’t take them in suspicions when someone allegedly has found involvement in bullying behaviors  

Bullies are from dysfunctional families –Myth

We don’t know yet that bullies have come from the families that have exposure to conflicts and their influence makes them aggressive and they tends to tease and humiliate others kids. However, kids and teens that are bully others their behaviors not modeled.

Cyber Bullying/bullying prevention tips for parents

  • Parents need to look after their kids and teens and need to recognize these signs and teach their children what is bullying and who are real life bullies and online bullies.
  • Parents should not ignore the bullying and cyber bullying issues and they should find a solution with respectful listening, encourage your children that don’t respond to the bullies online and in real life don’t hide anything from parents.
  • Teach your children if someone bullying them in real life then tells anybody if being bullied on the street or in school discuss it with the teachers or with administration.

Parents need to set parental control if bullies online –real life

If your kids and teens are using cell phone devices connected to the internet, then you can install the android parental control app in order to monitor their activities they perform in the digital world. However, you will be able to know whether your child is the victim! Or a bully! Moreover, young kids and teens can be monitored in a real-life with the help of android monitoring software. It enables parents to use MIC bug app that records the surround sounds and conversations and user can listen to it and get to know what is happening in the surrounds of your children when they are outside the house. Moreover, parents can make short videos of the surrounds and can view remotely what has happened in the surrounds of your kids with the spyvidcam bug. Furthermore, you can keep an eye on your children in real-time with spy360 live surround listening that enables a user to record surround sounds in real-time and parents will be able to know the current situation of the kids and teens in real-time. However, parents can also monitor the social media activities of kids and teens with IM’s social media of the cell phone monitoring software for Android. It empowers parents to view IM’s logs, chats conversations, audio and video conversations and last but not the least Voice messages. They can record and listen to the calls with call monitoring app and listen to the conversation of both parties. A user can monitor the text message sent or received on the target Android mobile phone with text messages monitoring tool that further allows parents to view MMS, SMS, BBM chat messages and heads up tickers notification. Further, parents can remotely control kid’s activities remotely if some is bullying them online with android remotely phone controller. They can block text messages, block incoming calls and even can block the internet remotely.


Parents are responsible to protect their kids and teens from real life and online predators such as bullies. Parents need to know the signs that their child is the victim of bullying and they can save them with the cell phone parental control app that enable parents to keep an eye on in real-life and cyber life.

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