Business Magazine

Bullying Has a New Face, But Schools Still Stand By

Posted on the 09 March 2016 by Smallivy

Are They Growing Up While You're on Your Phone?

Today’s post will be very different from other posts on this blog because I’m in a very different mood.  We are losing our neighbors because they’re moving out-of-state to escape the situation in our small town that nearly took their daughter’s life.  They have been great neighbors, always friendly and nice.  They have been a great asset to our community, helping out at the school and other places around town.

Our town has two six grade schools, two middle schools, and one high school.  Our neighbors moved next door from another state when their daughter and our son were in third grade at one of the elementary schools.  They both transitioned to the nearby middle school in sixth grade.  I was surprised to hear, however, that our neighbor’s daughter, Vicky, had changed to the other middle school, far across town (you would drive by the one she was attending and then drive another ten minutes to get to the other one).  Apparently Vicky had been the target of bullying by girls in her school and it had gotten so bad that her parents decided she needed to change schools.

Vicky’s parents had tried to remedy the situation.  They had gone to the school and gotten no support.  They even drove to the homes of each of the girls who were bullying Vicky and talked to them, but they didn’t believe there was any issue and would do nothing.

Things were all right at the new school, but then when Vicky went to high school she ended up with the same girls since both of the middle school funnel into the same high school, where the bullying started up again.  A few weeks ago, Vicky attempted suicide.  Luckily she was stopped.  After a couple of weeks in the hospital and a few weeks out-of-state at her grandparent’s home, she is recovering, but the mental scars left will be with her forever.  Her parents feel she cannot be left alone since she is still not entirely out of danger.

The bullies at the school didn’t feel any remorse for their actions.  They continue to taunt her parents when they pick up and drop off their other child with smiles and waves.  They started a rumor that the Vickie was pregnant and that was why she had disappeared.  They then spread a rumor that friends of the victim were actually the ones doing the bullying.  Vicky’s parents have taken her off social media and given her a new phone number because otherwise the girls at the school would continue to torment her until she did kill herself.

The amazing thing is the lack of action by the school.  If I child were bringing a knife to school and threatening another child, the child with the knife would be expelled.  Have a group of girls telling another girl that she should just kill herself and tormenting her until she takes her own life, however, and the school will do nothing.

Bullying comes in two forms.  The first is the stereotypical physical bullying where the bully pushes you down or steals your lunch money.  The second type is more sinister and comes in the form of spreading rumors and putting people down because of the way they dress, activities they take part in, or how they look.  Note that both kinds of bullying generally have a feeling of inadequacy by the bully at their root.  The physical bully is often beat at home and may not be wealthy or the best student.  The second kind of bullying is normally done by people who are wealthy and popular, yet still have some sort of defect where they don’t really like themselves and feel they need to belittle other to elevate themselves and hold onto popularity.  Social status comes by stepping on others.

For too long society has put up with bullies in schools.  How is it acceptable that parents are forced to send their children to a school where they may be physically assaulted or even killed?  Why must parents send their children to a place where they undergo daily torment that comes in the form of snide comments and gossip in the halls that bleeds onto their phones that can drive wonderful young women to commit suicide?

I’m asking that every person who reads this story does something.  If you’re a parent, talk to your children about bullying and the consequences. Bring up children who will stand up for those who are being harassed and bring attention of the matter to school officials and parents.  I’m asking school officials to take these matters seriously and deal with children who are bullying each other seriously.  I’m asking parents and members of the community to go to school boards and demand a no bullying policy with severe punishments (taking away a child’s phone while at school would be a great first step).  I’m asking parents whose children are the target of bullying to take the other parents to court for damages with lawsuits for slander or assault.

This isn’t just “kids being kids.”  This is a serious issue that has left mental scars on many people.  It is time for the bullying to stop.

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Disclaimer: This blog is not meant to give financial planning or tax advice. It gives general information on investment strategy, picking stocks, and generally managing money to build wealth. It is not a solicitation to buy or sell stocks or any security. Financial planning advice should be sought from a certified financial planner, which the author is not. Tax advice should be sought from a CPA. All investments involve risk and the reader as urged to consider risks carefully and seek the advice of experts if needed before investing.

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