Books Magazine

Build Some Backyard Water Toys

By Mattnem05 @mattnem05

Backyard Water Toys - Nothing like heat and water play in the backyard. Configure the pool for children and a craft table and give a dull summer afternoon or summer birthday party a creative impulse with a cool toy-water project. Children can make easy-build backyard water toys home with the help of an adult and some inexpensive supplies.

Build Some Backyard Water Toys

Instructions Balloon Platoon Boat: 1. Cut a Styrofoam tray in an oval. Six evenly spaced holes put in the tray 3/4 inch from the edge with the knife. 2. Blow up the balloon until it is 24 inches long. Tying knots at each end. 3. Slide the rubber bands around the globe, evenly spaced, and tie the balloon ends together to form an oval. 4. Place the balloon at the base of Styrofoam backyard water toys. Pull the rubber bands through the holes and secure them to the bottom of the base paper clips slipping through the rubber bands. 5. Draw faces on the ping-pong balls for passengers platoon-boat and tie the rope to the base for a tow.

Water Balloon Catch Game: 6. Cut the bottom of the milk cartons with scissors and tape the cut edges to create balloon catchers. 7. Tie ribbons on the handles for decoration. 8. Fill water balloons with water until they are the size of a grapefruit.

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