Easily Build Muscle Without Weights

Using your own body weight is the most powerful way to build muscle without any weight training equipment. As an example you can use the resistance of your own body as you do pull-ups. This exercise is great for building muscle in your chest, triceps and shoulders.
The most common exercises using your own body weight as resistance are:
Push-ups - This exercise develops the pectoral muscles and triceps.
Many athletes and body builders use this exercise to warm-up before a workout or for cooling down after a very physical workout. If you do this exercise on a regular basis you really can build muscle and develop great strength.
Pull-ups - A chin-up builds strength and muscle in the back, as well as growth to the biceps
Pull-ups are an excellent muscle building and strength training exercise. You can use your own local playground equipment for this kind of exercise. You really can build some incredible strength in a very short space of time.
Do the pull-ups workout for 5 minutes and then rest for a couple of minutes then repeat. Just watch your muscles and strength explode over the coming weeks.
Squats - This exercise is great for the quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, and the lower back.
The squats exercise is the fastest ways to gain muscle mass without any weights. If you haven't done any exercise for a while start slowly with about 10 squats a day and work up to 20 then 30 a day. In a couple of weeks you will be easily be doing at least 50 a day.
Abdominal crunches - This is a perfect exercise for the abdominal muscles. This exercise is done in small quantities of controlled movements, while making sure you rest in between.
Power tip: Do the stomach vacuum exercise. You can do this exercise anywhere at home, even while you are driving and are best while you are walking - Two exercises in one. You do this exercise by simply 'sucking' in your stomach as hard as you can. Do not hold your breath while holding in your stomach and hold your stomach in as long as you can. This trains the stomach muscles and is the perfect start before doing any abdominal crunches.
It is important while doing the exercises to keep very good posture.
Over time these exercises will build muscle mass. It's the best way of getting in shape, building muscle without any weights and saving money on gym fees.
It really is possible to build muscle without any weights or joining an expensive gym. These exercises really work. Use the exercises daily and just watch your muscles and strength grow. There really is no need for expensive weight training equipment.
Things to consider before starting any exercise routine
1: Before starting any training program get checked out by a doctor if you suffer from shortness of breath, if you smoke or you are over 35.
2: Eat a healthy, balanced diet and stay away from all the fad exercise equipment.
3: Start slowly and work yourself up. Know your limits.
4: Always warm up first by running on the spot and make sure you cool down after any physical activity.