
BuddyPress Demo Website – Learn BuddyPress WordPress Community Plugin

Posted on the 01 May 2020 by Wbcom Designs @wbcomdesigns

If you have been using WordPress, you must definitely be aware of BuddyPress. But If you are new to the WordPress world and have no idea about it- BuddyPress is one of the most powerful WordPress social network plugins which allows you to create a fully-featured social network website like Facebook. If you always wished to have a website for your community whether it’s for your school, college, business, club members or just simply a private community website then this plugin can be the perfect choice for you. From member profiles, activity streams, user groups, messaging, and more, this powerful plugin offers you all and everything is mentioned in this Buddypress Demo website. This plugin is also very easy to set up and activates on your WordPress website.

To help you test BuddyPress, we are giving you a BuddyPress Demo website using our Reign BuddyPress Theme. We have also built some powerful add-ons that are included in the demo. These BuddyPress add-ons add many required functionality to a social networking website such as adding more privacy control to your community, customizing the activity stream options, adding hashtags feature, adding status updates and moods and a lot more. Take a look:

Reign BuddyPress demo website Sandbox

Core Features of BuddyPress Plugin

Now, we know what BuddyPress does. Let’s jump into the features we get out of the box after activating this plugin. These features are included in the plugin and you can easily activate and deactivate them as per your choice.
  • Creating and updating user profiles, BuddyPress allows users to create their own profiles and update it with the relevant information.
  • Sending friend requests. Users can also send friend requests as well as follow other users.
  • Sending Private messages. BuddyPress also gives features of messaging just like facebook. Users can send private messages to one another and can also choose to receive an email notification for the same.
  • Create And Join Groups. Admin can choose to let their users create and join groups of common interest.
  • Users can follow activity streams. BuddyPress activity streams provide a quick view of the recent activity going on within a site or with regard to a particular user.
  • Forum Discussions. BuddyPress is fully integrated with bbPress, thus allowing users to participate in forum topics and other discussions.

Table Of Content

  1. Extended Profile
  2. BuddyPress Friend Connections
  3. BuddyPress Private Messaging
  4. Mentions
  5. Activity Stream
  6. Notification System
  7. BuddyPress User Group

1. Extended Profile

BuddyPress DemoBuddyPress Extended Profile Your member will have a personalized profile page with custom profile fields. The profile tab will display data input given by a user. They can change it any time they want. For example, I would like my users to tell their birthday, email, about me etc. We can create different input fields and let user.

Extended Features:

buddypress demoBuddyPress Profile Pro
  1. Extended BuddyPress Profile: You can also add more features to BuddyPress Extended Profile such as repeater fields and much more with the amazing BuddyPress Profile Pro Add-on. This plugin allows that you can easily add multiple field groups and display them at member’s profile. The Repeater groups can be like Education, Work history and lots more and the repeater fields like multiple phone number, multiple website URLs, skills sets with multiple values.

2. Adding BuddyPress Friend Connections

Adding BuddyPress Friend ConnectionsAdding BuddyPress Friend Connections A very essential aspect of a social networking website is making friends. This feature is also provided by this amazing plugin. Your members can easily send friend requests to other members. They can also follow other members.

Extended Features:

BuddyPress DemoBuddyPress Private Community pro
  1. Add Privacy To Your Community: You can also lock BuddyPress components such as messages, friends, activity stream and other for your logged out users with the help of BuddyPress Private Community Pro add on for BuddyPress. Therefore, if you wish to create a completely private community, you can do so easily with the help of this addon.

Proven Solutions To Stop BuddyPress Spam

3. Sending BuddyPress Private Messaging

BuddyPress Private MessagesBuddyPress Private Messages BuddyPress just like other social networking websites, also allows you to send and receive private messages to your friends. It gives you options such as compose, Sent, inbox and starred.

Extended Features:

buddypress demoBuddyPress profanity
  1. Censoring Unwanted Content: You can also use BuddyPress Profanity plugin to censor content in your community! Easily Censor all the unwanted words in activities, private messages contents by specifying a list of keywords to be filtered.

4. Mentions

BuddyPress DemoBuddyPress Mentions Do you like @ style of communication? It is possible with BuddyPress. Any user can mention your name on the wall and comments and you will be notified.

Extended Feature:

  1. Adding Status Updates: You can also update status on your BuddyPress Activity and set moods on your profile with the help of BuddyPress Status Plugin.
BuddyPress DemoBuddyPress status This plugin allows your community members to update their status with what they are doing at that moment. It also allows them to set icons such as emojis to appear beside their username at the profile. Thus, your members can also express their moods on their status update.

5. Activity Stream

BuddyPress Activity StreamBuddyPress Activity Stream BuddyPress Activities allow you to post any activity on your Activity Streams. When any of your friends post any activity on their wall it appeared on your Activity Stream. You can also favorite or comment on the activities of your friends directly in the Activity Streams.

Extended Features

BuddyPress DemoBuddyPress Activity Filter
  1. Customize Activity Streams: You can also create your own Activity Stream with the help of BuddyPress Activity Filter plugin for BuddyPress. This free plugin allows you to customize the working of BuddyPress Activity. This feature is usually done via coding but after this plugin, it has become much easier. BuddyPress Activity Filter allows site admin to change the default activity filter based on the type of activity.
buddypress demoAdding BuddyPress Polls

2. Add Polling Feature: If you want to create a poll activity on your BuddyPress powered website or BuddyPress Demo site, you can also do so by creating polls inside the activities on your BuddyPress site with the simple yet effective BuddyPress Polls add-on, and enhance the way your users communicate and respond.

BuddyPress demoBuddyPress Activity Bump 3. Bump BuddyPress Activities: You can also bring your BuddyPress activities on top with the help of BuddyPress Activity Bump add-on. This add on enables you to bump the ‘most active’ activities on top of your BuddyPress site. The activity will be highlighted as soon as anyone likes or comments on the activity

6. Notification System

BuddyPress notificationsReceiving WordPress BuddyPress Notifications It is very important to be aware of what your friends are liking and commenting. BuddyPress also provides features of notifications for a social network website. Each profile has a notification counter. The count increases some activities like a comment, mention, message, etc. triggers. You can view all the notifications at one place and mark them as read.

7. Creating BuddyPress User Groups

Creating BuddyPress GroupsCreating BuddyPress User Groups

You can also create groups in your community website and allow your members to join the group they are interested in. Users can also share activities in the group and subscribe to different topics in the groups. If you want to learn how to create a group, you can check this tutorial on How to Create BuddyPress Groups – BuddyPress Tutorials

 Extended Features:

BuddyPress demoBuddyPress Group Reviews
  1. Add Reviews To Groups: You can also allow your members to add reviews to various BuddyPress Groups with BuddyPress Group Reviews Plugin. It allows BuddyPress member to add group review & give multi-rating to given criteria(s). After the review post, all reviews displayed in the manage review section of the group.

The beauty of the BuddyPress lies in its modular design which you can see in BuddyPress demo. These features are present in modules. You can activate and deactivate any features you want at any time.

You can use BuddyPress to create sites like:

  • A campus-wide social-network for your university, school or college
  • An internal community for your company
  • Niche social-networks for very specific interest groups
  • Focused communities for products & services
  • Integrated with bbPress to enhance community forums


You can easily learn about all the features of this plugin and decide what feature you wish to include in your own community website. Therefore, we have created a BuddyPress demo website to help accelerate exploring features of BuddyPress. Every type of messaging can be done over this platform. Your privacy will be kept at their priority.

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