State-owned telecom operator Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL), recently launched a new prepaid voucher. Where customers are being offered 120 GB data for a limited time. This voucher is announced on the occasion of Christmas. As this is a limited time offer, you only have a few days to recharge with this plan.
However, BSNL's limited time offers are usually not for a limited time, but are always available for a longer period than the company announces. So if you use a lot of data then this plan can come in handy. It is priced at Rs 277.
BSNL Data Voucher of Rs.277
The company's Rs 277 plan offers 120 GB data. This data voucher is valid for 60 days. When your base plan expires, any unused data will also expire. Speed will be reduced to 40 Kbps after using FUP (Fair Usage Policy) data limit of 120 GB. Offer valid till January 16, 2025.
Telecom company users can recharge this plan from BSNL Self Care App or official website. Note that you need a base active prepaid plan before recharging this data voucher Because if you don't have an active prepaid plan, your data voucher won't work. You can visit the company's social media page or website for details.