Celeb Magazine

Bryan Singer Got Fired From The Queen Biopic

Posted on the 05 December 2017 by Sumithardia

Bryan Singer Got Fired From The Queen Biopic


Producers pressed the pause button on filming of the Queen biopic last week when its director, Bryan Singer, had to suddenly step away to deal with a “health issue.” I figured that his “health issue” had to do with him getting the panicky shakes over the possibility of him getting exposed by The New York Times. But the story went that Bryan was really getting sick over working. He no-showed a few times and fought with Rami Malek, who plays Freddie Mercury. And now The Hollywood Reporter says that Fox has fired Bryan and is replacing him. Deadline is hearing that production is  not going to start up again until next year. So you may have to wait a little longer to see Rami Malek thrust his crotch as Freddie Mercury. You know who to blame.

Fox confirmed in a statement that Bryan Singer is no longer the director of the Queen biopic called Bohemian Rhapsody. Sources tell THR that Fox executives knew that Bryan is a mess because they warned him that any unprofessional behavior will not be tolerated. Bryan really listened, and by that I mean he didn’t. Bryan reportedly skipped work so much that cinematographer Thomas Newton Sigel had to take his place in the director’s chair a few times. Shit got so bad that Tom Hollander, who plays Queen manager Jim Beach, quit the movie, but was later talked into coming back.

Rami even went to Fox with complaints about Bryan being tardy all the time and acting unprofessional. Sources say that Rami and Bryan even got into a fight during filming.

The growing tension led to a confrontation between Singer and Malek, which, while it did not become physical, did involve Singer throwing an object. Subsequently, however, the two are said to have settled their differences and filming was expected to resume.

I assumed that the fight happened after Bryan groped Rami without asking, but then I remembered that Rami wouldn’t be carded while trying to buy scratchers at a 7-Eleven.

Bryan has supposedly been telling people that all the stress from filming has given him a case of post-traumatic stress disorder. Aww, poor Bryan, but really, it must be super stressful seeing the powerful pervs of Hollywood go down one by one by one by one….

And we should’ve known this movie was doomed as soon as Bryan signed on and as soon as Sacha Baron Cohen dropped out over Queen wanting a PG-rated biopic of the band instead of a full R-rated Freddie Mercury biopic. Up in heaven, Freddie Mercury’s stache must look glorious as it gracefully dances while he cackles over this mess.

Pic: Wenn.com

Source: Bryan Singer Got Fired From The Queen Biopic

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