Drink Magazine

Brux Domesticated Wild Ale (A Russian River & Sierra Nevada Brewing Collaboration) Bottle No. 8 – 3/5/2016

By I Think About Beer @ithinkaboutbeer

Brux Domesticated Wild AleThis review is part of the ongoing “The Brux Project” at I think about beer.  To read the details, follow this link: The Brux Project.

Bottle no. 8 and 4 years into The Brux Project I thought I’d enjoy this bottle on my birthday!

Appearance: Hazy honey gold, beige head, poor retention.

Aroma: Caramel, butterscotch, earthy notes, floral, citrus peel, fruity, yeasty, orange creme.

Taste: Straw, floral, orange creme, earthy.

Overall Impression: 8 bottles in and this beer is still tasting fresh. The yeast is in a bit of a diacetyl phase but it was only a slight note and not enough to mark it down at this point. I have 4 more bottles to go and impressed with this beer’s durability. If you have bottles under similar conditions, I’d rate it hold or drink. Although, personally I’d hold onto it a bit more. We’ll check in again in 6 months!

Cellar: If your curious about what the conditions are that I’ve been keeping the bottles at, check out the link above to The Brux Project to see how I’m storing it.  If you’re storing yours warmer, it may be a bit further in its progression than mine.  If it’s cooler, a bit less.

Availability: Probably gone from stores.  I’ve seen it show up in some “vintage” sales.

8.3% ABV

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