The Broward Sheriff’s Office, working with the Sanford Police Department and other local law enforcement agencies, in preparation of the verdict in the Zimmerman trial, has prepared audio and video, calling on the public not to riot.

The Broward Sheriff’s Office, working closely with the Sanford Police Department and other local law enforcement agencies, has coordinated a response plan in anticipation of the verdict.
Freedom of expression is a constitutional right. While raising your voice is encouraged, using your hands is not. BSO has created a public service announcement with the help of kids from the Jason Taylor Foundation, H.A.N.D.Y. (Helping Abused, Neglected, Disadvantaged Youth) and basketball star James Jones of the championship Miami Heat team urging young people not to let their emotions get the best of them.
“We don’t have information about a specific event that might take place at the conclusion of the trial, but we encourage everyone to keep any protests peaceful,” Sheriff Scott Israel said.
Members of the BSO Strategic Investigation Division have been monitoring the pulse of the situation, maintaining open lines of communication with community leaders, civic activists, members of the clergy, as well as local, state and federal agencies.
The George Zimmerman verdict is expected either this week or next and there have been hundreds of documented threats against Zimmerman and "random white kids" from Trayvon Martin supporters, so preparing for the verdict is a smart move on the part of law enforment.
The video, below is titled “Raise Your Voice, Not Your Hands.