Society Magazine

Broken Breakfast- 40% Eat Their First Meal at Lunchtime

Posted on the 12 March 2013 by 72point @72hub

Breakfast could soon be a thing of the past – with four out of ten adults now tucking into their first meal of the day at lunchtime, research has revealed. The detailed study into the eating habits of 2000 adults found millions now survive on just two meals a day because they are watching their waistline, don’t have time, or prefer to eat later in the day.

The report also found less than two thirds of us currently eat a healthy, balanced diet, with many replacing proper meals with snacks and treats throughout the day.

Worryingly, around one in five people said they adopt a ‘liquid diet’ on weekends, rather than a food-based one (and a quarter of these people will then have fry-ups or other stodgy food to soak up the hangover.)

Breakfast emerged as the meal adults are most likely to skip, and the average person is happy grazing on chocolate, crisps, cheese and biscuits throughout the day.

More than half of those polled admit eating too many fatty and sugary foods instead of healthier options such as fruit, vegetables and nuts.

Reto Frei, CEO of tibits (CORR) vegetarian restaurant, which conducted the study of 2,000 adults said:

“It has never been easier to get your five a day without compromising on taste.

“And while many Brits are health conscious, it tends to be their busy lifestyles which get in the way of a more balanced diet.

“In many cases people aren’t deliberately opting for less wholesome food choices , but simply lack the ability to forward plan.

“It is often easier to pick up a snack on the way from A to B, than sit down and have a proper meal.

“But it is still possible to be healthy on the run, and not all snacks are bad for you.”

Adults also admit to having just three to four portions of fruit and vegetables a day, rather than the recommended daily intake of five.

And while Brits want to be eating more fruit and vegetables – with one third conceding vegetarians are generally healthier than anyone else – two thirds of people find it hard fitting in five portions of veg a day.

Government guidelines show Brits should be snacking on as many eggs as possible, as they are one of the most nutrient dense foods, and yet a fifth of adults never eat eggs, while the average person only eats two a week.

A typical person will eat one portion of fish a week instead of the recommended two – while 50% never eat oil-rich fish such as mackerel and sardines.

And one fifth of those polled admitted they often shower their meals with salt after it has been served, without even tasting it first.

The study indicates a general lack of knowledge when it comes to understanding which foods are healthy, and which are not.

More than half of those polled are convinced by low fat yoghurts, not realising that while they are low in fats, they are usually high in sugars.

A third of adults believe smoothies are a quick way of getting a fruit fix, but in fact many contain hidden sugars and even ice cream.

The same percentage of Brits think shop-bought salads are a healthy option, but many are covered in fatty dressings.

Cereal bars and yoghurt raisins also service to confuse many people – with bars containing copious amounts of sugar and raisins being drenched in a fatty coating rather than actual yoghurt.

Reto Frei for tibits added:

“Brits would be better off avoiding processed foods and eating more naturally grown alternatives instead.

“You can’t go wrong with vegetables – you know where they have come from, there aren’t any hidden ingredients and they are packed with vitamins and minerals, and best of all they taste great.

“We’ve seen an increase in the number of meat eaters entering our restaurants, acknowledging that as well as our menu’s being healthy, they’re delicious too.”

When asked why they think their diets aren’t as healthy as they should be, 33% claim it’s because they have a sweet tooth, while a third simply love to snack.

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