The broad beans I planted out in November have been ready for picking for over a week, I love picking young pods and eating the small beans while working in the kitchen garden so not many make it to the kitchen at first.
I gathered some pods today to make a really simple lunch time bruschetta, it was so scrummy and easy to make.

I just taste as I go so I don’t really measure anything.
Pod broad beans and add to a pan of boiling water for no more than 2 minutes.
Drain then remove and discard outer skins to reveal the beautiful green bean inside.
Add a dash of olive oil and mash the beans with a fork or puree with a hand blender, entirely up to you.
Add a squeeze of lemon juice and pinch of salt to taste.
Toast bread (I use Italian toasting bread) on both sides and rub one side with a garlic clove, pile the bean mix on top.