Via DailyMail: A hunter in North Carolina has solved has food bill for the next year after tracking and killing a mammoth wild boar weighing in at over 500 pounds. Veteran hunter Jett Webb, of Conetoe, bagged the beast last month using his .308 caliber rifle after baiting the animal for over a month. ’It was very surreal,’ Webb told WSPA. ‘It was a shock. It was very humbling to say the least, when you walk up on a beast that big and you say, “Oh my gosh. I had no idea that there could be something that big running around the woods of Eastern North Carolina.’”
Honest question to anyone who reads this blog. If you knew there was a wild pig in the woods that had the potential to weigh 500 pounds, would you A. Grab your high powered rifle and your fatigues and go hunting or B. Pack up the wife and kids, everything in your house and get the fuck out of dodge immediately? I’m 100% B and if you’re in camp A then consider yourself bat shit crazy. Do you see this thing? Imagine looking out your sliding glass door on a cold February night and seeing this fucking thing just grazing on your crops. No thank you, brah, I’m all good with not hunting quarter ton pigs unless I was 20 years old and black out drunk.
Side note, that thing is straight up disgusting, I think we can all agree, but I have to admit, I’m at least 98.7% interested in the meat that came from it. Can’t hate 100.