Lifestyle Magazine

#BritishBloggerSelection Week 2 'About You'

By Aworldfullofprettiness
Last week you would have seen my post on joining the #BritishBloggerSelection. If you missed that post and want to know what its all about, you can read that here.
I didn't bother taking part in week 1 because the topic was Halloween, and by the time I had realized this, Halloween had been and gone by about 3 days, so I felt it was a little inappropriate. I didn't do anything for Halloween this year (not even carve a pumpkin! Showing my age now!) so I wouldn't have had anything exciting enough to show anyway.
Week 2: About You.
The creator of BBS has asked us all various questions.. so here goes.. You may learn something new about me here! (I remember loving filling questionnaires about myself 'back in the day' so this is bringing back a few memories!)
Q1 Why do you like blogging?
A - I like blogging because it strangely provides me with some form of motivation. Blogging enables me to share my passions, finds and reviews with you all. Its like my own little photographic diary, but online. I do have an online journal that I've had for years. The past year or so I have barely wrote in it, but my blog seems to have replaced that. Maybe not so much on a personal level, but focusing more on the things I love in life (which is probably better than focusing on me moaning like I did in my personal one!).
Q2 How did you come up with your blog name?
A - 'A World Full of Prettiness' - I first of all decided on what my blog was going to focus on. I knew what direction I wanted my blog to go in, and that it would resemble my 'style' and love for all things pretty, shabby chic-esque and feminine (amongst other things). Another part of my blogs' name reflects escapism from the 'real world' - wars, crime, poverty etc. So I was thinking more along the lines of 'read my blog and you'll be able to forget the 'real world' and come into a world full of prettiness!
Q3 Where from the UK do you come from?
A - I come from a place on the East coast of England - a small county named Lincolnshire. Apart from a 5yr stint in Lincoln, where I was at uni, I've lived here all my life. I sometimes think about moving away (more so a few years ago) but now I'm not sure if I could because I'd miss my family and friends too much.
Q4 Favourite Colour?
A - This is a tough one! Why is it, when you are younger, you are so specific and adamant that you only have one favorite colour, but as you get older, you become more open minded and more accepting of all things (including colours, haha). I really do like a broad spectrum of colours - I love soft pastel colours - mint green, pale pink and blue and lilac. But then I also like quite striking bold colours, as well as neutrals; blacks, greys etc. Brown is probably my least favorite color along with mustard!
Q5 Do you like Lana Del Ray?
A - Lol - Random question. I'm no good with most artists. Put a famous face on my TV screen and I'd probably struggle to tell you who it was, that goes for Lana Del Ray as well. I think I like her songs, but I'm past the age of deciding if I like the artist as well. I couldn't care less, if they do a catchy song, I'll like it. That doesn't mean I like the artist though.
Q6 Hidden talents that you have?
A - Hmmm, very little! I can touch my nose with my tongue, that's about it! Oh, and I know all the words to Mary Poppins - is that a hidden talent?! :-s
Q7 Celebrity Crush?
A- Dec (from Ant n Dec). For those that don't know the difference, its not the dark haired one with the big forehead! I also have a bit of a thing for Gary Barlow! There's a certain thing he does when he smiles and I go weak at the knees! haha
Q8 Favourite Blog of all time?
A - Honestly, I can't answer this, I like so many for so many different things. There are certain things I look for when subscribing to a new blog. If I like their style of writing and topics of discussion then I might subscribe. If they talk about things that are 'achievable' (i.e. beauty products that don't cost the earth!) and seem to live a 'normal' lifestyle just like everyone else, then I'm also sold. I'm also a sucker for good quality photos - if you make your photos appealing as well as all of the above, then I'm definitely subscribed!
Q9 What made you want to join #BritishBloggerSelection?
A - 2 things - 1) I do tend to have writers block from time to time. I'll have all these ideas whizzing round in my head, but they just never happen, so having a topic to talk about each week really helps. and 2) I am the worst person for communicating over blogger. I read lots of blogs but barely ever comment (mostly down to laziness). Also when people leave me comments on my blog, I'll read them but I wont reply (which yes, I agree is rude!) so I joined #BBS to force myself into communicating with other like-minded people in certain communities!
#BritishBloggerSelection Week 2 'About You'

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